
JoululaulujaPerjantai 19.12.2008 16:51

I am Santa Claus

The Brian Setzer Orchestra - Jingle Bells

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Run Run Rudolph

Hanoi Rocks - Dead By Xmas

The Reverend Horton Heat - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

Monty Python - Ho Ho Fucking Ho

Dad - sad sad christmas

AC/DC - Mistress For Christmas

Skid Row - Jingle Bells

Alice Cooper - Santa Claus is coming to town

Blackmore´s Night - Christmas Eve

Type o Negative - Red Water (Christmas Mourning)

PokeristaKeskiviikko 06.02.2008 22:28

Kun sinulla on ässäpari, hae nopeasti paljon lisää viinaa ja juo ne kaikki. Tällä välin muut katsovat, että olet luovuttanut korttisi ajan takia, ja kun tajuat sen, olet jo kunnon kännissä eikä se harmita. Tulee halvemmaksi kuin ruveta typerästi korottamaan.

Kun sinulla on kuningaspari, katso ensin, jos joku lähtee pöydästä hakemaan lisää viinaa. Jos lähtee, se tarkoittaa, että hänellä on ässäpari ja silloin sinun kannattaa korottaa, koska kuninkaat voittavat aina ässät. Muussa tapauksessa heitä käsi pois ja odota parempaa.

Jos kuitenkin kaiken strategian vastaisesti pelaat selvin päin, sinun kannattaa samalla katsoa elokuvaa Rakeback Mountain ja heittää koko ajan korttisi pois, olivatpa ne miten hyviä tahansa. Luulet häviäväsi varmasti, mutta joka kuukauden alussa saat lohdutuspalkinnon, jonka turvin voit jatkaa pelaamista.

Jos joskus saat neloset, vastustajalla on silloin värisuora. Kannattaa kuitenkin korottaa, koska tästä Jeesus on säätänyt lain, jonka mukaan saat pelinjärjestäjältä bonuksena ilmaiset viisi kalaa ja kaksi paistia. Näin suurta pokerivoittoa ei muuten ole mahdollista saavuttaa.

Patrick Anthonius - Anthonius on entinen miesmalli ja tennispelaaja (suomenruotsalainen). Hän on ollut kärkisijoilla mm. maailman kaunein naispokerinpelaaja äänestyksessä.

Phil Hellmuth - Hellmuth on maailman ylivoimaisesti paras pokerinpelaaja ja hyvin vaatimaton persoona... llisuus häiriö.

Phil Ivey - Iveytä sanotaan maailman parhaaksi pokerinpelaajaksi (vrt. sanonta "Pälkäneen Essolla on maailiman parhaat kahavit"). Häntä sanotaan myös pokerin Tiger Woodsiksi, koska molemmilla on lyhyt tukka. Hämätäkseen vastustajiaan Ivey tekeytyy neekeriksi: tummaiho, pälyilevä katse, suu idioottimaisesti puoliauki (neekerithän eivät tunnetusti tiedä korttien arvoja).

The Koolest Namez in Rock (or not)Torstai 18.10.2007 18:41

A.K.A. 47...The Koolest Namez in Rock (or not)

Where do I begin? Over the years in the proud history of Hard Rock, there have always been musicians with too much spare time on their hands [kinda' like me, writing this article ]. I'm not even sure how they managed to come up with all of these names. However, I know they are just 'some' of all the lame-name rockers out there.

The Finnish hardrock band OZ recorded four albums ala Motorhead (only worse) between the years of 1982-86. The vocalist proudly? named himself "Ape De Martini" Ah yeah... good one chap! I wonder... what was the name of the lovely Mrs. De Martini then huh? and... what's wrong with your real name "Eero Hämälainen" anyway? Then again... have you guys seen this chap? Ape suites him pretty good actually... hey.. stop monkeying around!!! (I rest my case... and the suite).

OK! What's wrong with 'all' you musicians from Finland anyway? [Easy now! - The Finnish AOR-E folks] Horrible childhood memories? We all know about Hanoi Rocks now don't we? Good band... they were actually up there among the best! That is... until Vince Neil (Mötley Crue) decided to dazzle with Razzle (slow down, you're gonna crash) and they're actually doing a reunion now. This guitarist sure had a wild imagination though... Nasty Suicide? What's wrong with names such as: 'Dirty Underwear' ?? or 'Smelly Socks' then??? reality check anyone? [Kimmo: Nasty released a solo album a few years ago under his real name Jan Stenfors, and these days he's leading a "normal" life, working as a pharmaceutist.]

Ehhh... hmmmm... oh dear, what goes on inside a guy's head, when he wants everybody to call him Sweetheart? Geezz... well, at least the road crew had a good laugh or two. The band was not half bad though, only one release in the early 90's and guitarist Ginger joined The Quireboys. Has anyone heard anything about the vocalist Sweet#%#* ever since? What's that you say? something about red lights in Amsterdam? Beats me....

Yeah?... so what? His name was Freddy and he was always steady (behind the drums) Unless he was drunk that is... then I believe they called him Frikky Stikky (don't quote me on this one though) I do enjoy the band Krokus though, they even recorded a song about Freddy's old girlfriend "Smelly Nelly" ahh... good old Nelly... the stories she could tell (too bad about the smell though).

Here's another vocalist with a scary name! Oh lordie, lordie... well... at least it's better than the alias he wanted at first "The Man Who Lives And Breed Among The Squirrels". The band Crimson Glory, from Florida/USA, used to wear some crappy lookin' gold/silver masks too !!! Oh man... there's no end to the humilations !!! The music is way better than the image though... praise the lord... yeah... I believe they were a white metal act at first too... quick... somebody, smoke me a kipper!!!!

Yeah... I know.. I said no black metal artists... but the music of Mercyful Fate was never "black" now was it? The King is of course himself a satanic person... and I'm not sure if you can make fun outta him, without being cursed that is. He actually scares the crap outta me... and I'm sure he'd tell me to go to hell, if he ever saw this!!! No wait... "Go to hell" is a good thing for "these guys" right? Nah... he'd proberly say: "Go straight to heaven without passing go" or sumthing (monopoly anyone?) You'll have to admit though... King Diamond is a really lame name on a bloke.... what´s wrong with Kim Bendix

OK! So I wanna be a rock'n'roll star...hmmm... I better get myself a nice artist name then! And what a good choice he made...NOT! Sure, you're all used to hear it by now, but c'mon.. Meatloaf? Why not 'Hamburger', 'Pizza', 'Pigs In A Blanket', or 'Beans' instead? To his defense, Marvin Lee Aday already had his nickname by the age of 13! But whatever made him to continue with it, I'll never understand. I'd drop the name at once and run like a bat out of hell...

Shake, Shake, Shake, (Oi!) Rockin' in bop city! Attention drummers! When in doubt... ALWAYS use an alias, which people easily can relate to... due to your occupation. Any of the following will also do: Randy Hihat, Randy Crash , Stupid Guy In The Back, Too Ugly To Be Up Front, Snare D.Rum, Animal, Nasty Cymbal, Randy Splash , Bada Bing Buford, etc. This bloke is of course from Sweden, but holy cow and a couple of goats... his real name is: 'Pekka Ollinen' and that's a Finnish name (Finland again?)

Now... this is indeed a dark horse! Not many outside out of Sweden, may have heard about the band Wasa Express? But they were actually rather big here during the 70's (I've been told) Heck! I'm a child of the 80's! What do I know? However, Valentino Vasselino must be the lamest name of them all. What are we talkin' about here? An Italian Porno star wannabe or what? Bosse Häggström (his real name) bow your head in shame dude.

Look out people since there's a new kid in town. Well, we need some new blood and this independent vocalist will do. Stiletto is a new hard rock band from Austria and since this dude in the 'leader of the gang' he would of course have to be 'Crazy'? Or at least word-blind and a mad raving lunatic. Just imagine you walking up to him after a show... and you'd have to adress him with "Crazy Stiletto" . Hey Crazy Stiletto, good show! Yeah, I'd pee my pants too... ha,ha. On the other hand, Stiletto IS a really good band and their self titled debut album rocks! Go Figure!!!

I dunno.... there's something about this dude that really makes my skin crawl. On the other hand, Giant has always been one of my favorite bands and their "comeback" album " III " is really something out of the ordinary. Even if the songs were recorded some 10 years ago! Still, I always end up scratching my head over this vocalist /guitarist. Not sure why though... but my hairdo is all itchy and.... what? his name is what? Dann Huff really are you sure??? oh, I guess that explains it all... my bad... quick! somebody... pass me the shampoo bottle will ya' ...

List by Urban "Wally" Wallström (Sweden)

JuopotKeskiviikko 17.10.2007 04:33



1. Minkälainen olet kännissä?
Yleensä hankala

2. Milloin aloitit kännäämisen?

3. Oletko kännipäissäsi lähtenyt jonkun henkilön matkaan jonka naama ei aamulla miellyttänytkään?
Juu vissiin

4. Kuvaile juomistasi neljällä sanalla.
Puhuu rumia tekee pahoja

5. Mitä yleensä juot?

6. Mikä on pahinta juomaa mitä tiedät?

7. Oletko ollut alaikäisenä baarissa? Missä?
Olin mä kerran

8. Ketkä ovat vakio-juoppokavereitasi?

9. Kerro ärsyttävä piirre, joka tulee esiin sinusta kännissä?
Puhun liikaa varsinkin sellaisia että voisi pitää turpansa kiinni

10. Osaatko mielestäsi juoda?
Joka kymmenes kännis on sellainen että osaan juoda

11. Kerro pahimmista övereistäsi.
Sammuin anttilan sukkalaatikkoon

12. Kerro noloin tekosi humalassa?
Alastomuus ja kijastokäynti

13. Parhaat kotibileet tms. joissa olet ollut?
Borenin Miikan yleiset kaljabileet
14. Mikä on lempi juomasi?
Vaihtelee. Nyt varmaan fisufrendi

15. Tanssitko tai laulatko paljon humaltuessasi?

16. Tappeletko kännissä?
Simin kans ja aina saan turpaan

17. Oletko usein poliisien kanssa tekemisissä humalassa?
Liian usein. Nyt viimeksi viime weekendinä

18. Miten valmistaudut iltaan?
Olutpullo auki,sauna,musaa,soitan kaikille...

19. Mitä muut sanovat juomisestasi?
En halua tietää :D

20. Jos saisit valita, huomenna olisi vappu, juhannus vai uusivuosi?
Vappu,kevät/kesä edessä

21. Kuvaile tanssimistasi humalassa.
Hitaat menee muu ei

22. Mikä on lempi biisisi humalassa?
Tohtori Sykerö

23. Mikä on typerin keksintösi mitä olet kännissä keksinyt?
Matka mereltä Kempeleen puutarhaoppilaitokseen tai Seinäjoelta Göteborgiin

24. Oletko hyvä juomaan väkeviä shotteina?
Ehkä paras

25. Lopuksi kerro paras drinkkivinkkisi tai mikä on sinun mieluisin sekoitus?
aprikoosibrandy,vodka,pommac + jäitä tai sitten kärmispaukku jota en enään muista


Comments made in the year 1955Keskiviikko 10.10.2007 20:01

52years ago!

Comments made in the year 1955:

"I'll tell you one thing, if things keep going the way they are, it's going to be impossible to buy a week's groceries for $20."

"Have you seen the new cars coming out next year? It won't be long before $2000 will only buy a used one."

"If cigarettes keep going up in price, I'm going to quit. A quarter a pack is ridiculous."

"Did you hear the post office is think ing about charging a dime just to mail a letter?"

"If they raise the minimum wage to $1, nobody will be able to hire outside help at the store."

"When I first started driving, who would have thought gas would someday cost 29 cents a gallon. Guess we'd be better off leaving the car in the garage."

"Kids today are impossible. Those duck tail hair cuts make it impossible to stay groomed. Next thing you know, boys will be wearing their hair as long as the girls."
"I'm afraid to send my kids to the movies any more. Ever since they let Clark Gable get by with saying 'damn' in 'Gone With The Wind,' it seems every new movie has either "hell" or "damn" in it.

"I read the other day where some scientist thinks it's possible to put a man on the moon by the end of the century They even have some fellows they call astronauts preparing for it down in Texas ."

"Did you see where some baseball player just signed a contract for $75,000 a year just to play ball? It wouldn't surprise me if someday they'll be making more than the president."

"I never thought I'd see the day all our kitchen appliances wo uld be electric. They are even making electric typewriters now."
"It's too bad things are so tough nowadays.

I see where a few married women are having to work to make ends meet."

"It won't be long before young couples are going to have to hire someone to watch their kids so they can both work."

"Marriage doesn't mean a thing any more; those Hollywood stars seem to be getting divorced at the drop of a hat."

"I'm just afraid the Volkswagen car is going to open the door to a whole lot of foreign business."
"Thank goodness I won't live to see the day when the Government takes half our income in taxes. I sometimes wonder if we are electing the best people to government."

"The drive-in restaurant is convenient in nice weather, but I seriously doubt they will ever catch on."

"There is no sense going to Lincoln or Omaha anymore for a weekend. It costs nearly $15 a night to stay in a hotel."

"No one can afford to be sick any more; $35 a day in the hospital is too rich for my blood."

"If they think I'll pay 50 cents for a hair cut, forget it."

Michigan Man killed by lawnmowerKeskiviikko 10.10.2007 19:58

COURTLAND TOWNSHIP MICHIGAN (NEWSCHANNEL 3) – Douglas Haskell and his wife were helping a friend with yard work Monday.

Forty-nine-year-old Haskell was paralyzed below the chest, but was able to operate a riding lawn mower.

Haskell's wife was busy clearing walnuts from the yard when Haskell fell from the mower while it was traveling in reverse. The mower deck went over Haskell's head, causing what emergency responders call massive injury.

Haskell's wife called 911 and he was transported to Spectrum Butterworth Hospital via helicopter. He died a short time later from his injuries.

Dave MustaineÂ’s cell number!Keskiviikko 10.10.2007 19:56

Dave MustaineÂ’s cell number! pls forward.

hi Droogs, pls help me spread the word about Dave's number to your friends! Pls forward this bulletin to your friends, and ask your friends to forward to their friends and so on.

Dave loves to stay in touch and hear from you! He leaves daily messages and calls some of you back personally. He has said of saynow and his interaction with you:

"One of my favorite new things is SayNow and how we can talk to each other. Besides being super busy out here, the upcoming time off will give me even more time to answer the messages and in some cases directly to your cells. I do need your help on one thing . . . I made a bet that I would be able to talk to at least 20,000 of your faithful Droogs, and we have four days until I get home. I am past halfway, but due to bad cell reception, lost cell phone chargers, and limited time to do it, I need your help. If you haven't called me or the guys yet, call me on my cell and leave me a message! (619) 717-2000. And if you have, then you know this is legit and I want you to tell your friends for me!

I promise you will get info on us daily that is funny and informative, as well as personally to your own questions. Yep, that's right! We are able to answer the questions that you want to know and have never seen or read. What a great way to find out what "really happened" right from the horse's mouth. -DSM"

Overseas friends, call in make sure you say your name and where you are calling from (city and country) so that saynow is aware the entire world wants IN and hurry up in making it happen.

If you are still reading and haven't made that call yet, boy you are late!


Calls from the US: 619-717-2000
from overseas: 001-619-717-2000

The top 10 worst lyricists(Blender Magazine)Keskiviikko 10.10.2007 19:52

The top 10 worst lyricists:

1) Sting
2) Neil Peart
3) Scott Stapp
4) Noel Gallagher
5) Dan Fogelberg
6) Tom Marshall
7) Paul Stanley
8) Diane Warren
9) Donovan
10) Jim Morrison