


fb:ssä tino kinnunen

HammerFall - Natural highPerjantai 31.07.2009 21:40

Last night I had a vivid dream
I found a place where nothing's what it seems
I'm bound to walk this earth alone
I am a hunter and the heir to the throne

The chase of blood and sweet revenge
It keeps on hammering in my head
The urge to kill is getting stronger
I'm south of heaven, north of hell
My final place to rest

Surrender your soul
Surrender your pride
Please enter my dream
Find your natural high
You've got nothing to fear
Cause your rebirth is near

The battle rages deep inside
No where to run for my eternal bride
And when the darkness comes around
I come alive, cause for your sweet blood I am bound

I taste your blood so bitter sweet
Come ease my pain get on your knees
You know true love is meant to be
Forever is now what it seems
This is your final scream


So you are born again
To a higher plane
In my dark lair you're part of the game
Forever we are, forever we'll be
We're forever free

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