


fb:ssä tino kinnunen

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 21.06.2010 22:01

kolme ensinmäistä jotka kommentoivat tähän MINÄ! , niin kirjoitan heidän nimensä käteeni tussilla , ja annan nimien olla niin kauan kun ne pysyvät siinä. Kopioi tämä blokissii=D jos uskallat !

HammerFall - Crimson thunderLauantai 08.08.2009 22:04

We are the voices in the dark
Inside the fire we are the
Eternal spark that will guide the way

We are the stars up in sky
We gather winds so you can fly
We are the light when you're sleeping

All your dreams can come true
“where do we go? ”
We're just a heartbeat away

Follow the signs of the crimson thunder
We will stay by your side
Let our voices be there to guide you

We are forces in the rain
Inside your heart we are the
Unending answer to all your fears

So take a step towards the light
The crimson sky fullfills the night
The revelation is near


Follow the signs of the crimson thunder
We will stay by your side
Let our voices be there to guide you

All your dreams can come true...

Follow the signs of the crimson thunder

Dragonforce - The last journey homeLauantai 01.08.2009 23:22

Strangers to reason, our bleeding hearts so cold,
Life brings a change it seems, fear will blind the soul,
In the silence one only will know,
Cast away can it fall on the wastelands.

Send the soul from the forgotten sickness, and save his life,
Challenge the dream before the long departing, your mind is right,
Whoa, oh, oh,
Hear the burning thunder roar,
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhh.

Whoa, oh, oh,
Still lost in a fire storm,
Tonight we feel the past return.

Lost inside the dream, beside the life we'll live forever,
Still the wasted time that burning we love,
One thousand shattered voices, lost inside an endless wonder,
Tonight her voice will take me home.

Shine glorious we ride, we stare into the blackened sky,
Save the last command, the virtue blinding,
So far beyond the sun, still blinded with the fire inside,
Once alone again, silence stands for our last journey home.

Our lives intensified, mutation, frustration,
Ever lasting lifetime in beyond the world,
We'll travel endlessly, they're moving, he's jointed,
One man can understand his sad misery.

Whoa, oh oh oh ohh,
Whoa, oh oh ohh,
Whoa, oh oh oh oh oh ohh.

They've taken my heart,
They've taken my soul,
And now we stand below in sanity.

In time we'll see the past unwind,
Alive, still wander in a fallen land,
One more time we stare into the blackened sky,
For tonight, in our hearts now we feel,
One last time see our destiny reveal.

Shine glorious we ride, we stare into the blackened sky,
Save the last command, the virtue blinding,
So far beyond the sun, still blinded with the fire inside,
Once alone again, the silence stands for our last journey...

Shine glorious tonight, still blinded by the blackened sun,
Save the last command, forever rising,
So far beyond they come, still blinded with the fire inside,
Once alone again, silence stands for our last journey home.

Children of Bodom - Wrath withinPerjantai 31.07.2009 22:44

Let's go!

Once I desire, eternity has come
pull back, the tale is black, all we have to die
You say so, I am invading vision - satisfy

Once I look back, so miracle
on a crib with the night
Sensation, call me to die

Look down, we have to sow and all waits to say go
Once I desire, be back to hear this cry: let me out

(And I am the first one, any want to die!?)

With my salvation within your pain
you gotta develop pain into your desires
What it always about: you raise your pain
why you can't desire your cold regained?
Come on, get down

I touch your legs, so cold, make me cold in the light,
and I burn now, no pain
Your pain seems so far away,
so everything that's cold in light may die down

Children of Bodom - DownfallPerjantai 31.07.2009 22:38

The night of timeless fire is drawing near
I flee... Throughout the years of throe
Watching through a mirror, as I fall apart
I see a wreck, I'm burning

I see angels burning, falling down in ruins
Looking down I see me, I'm my own enemy

Watching myself decaying, falling from high spirits
I flee... Throughout the ruins of me
Longing for finding my way out
Leaving myself, there's nothing left for me
The ruins are about to crumble down.

The flame is dying by shivery winds of jet black skies
It reflects hatred in my eyes

I see angels burning, falling down in ruins
Looking down I see my ashes scattered around my grave

Angels whispering fire, no longer I'm alive
Settled down I'm done with the trip to my kingdom come

Iron Maiden - Run to the hillsPerjantai 31.07.2009 21:50

White man came across the sea,
He brought us pain and misery.
He killed our tribes, he killed our creed,
He took our game for his own need.

We fought him hard, we fought him well,
Out on the plains we gave him hell.
But many came, too much for Cree,
Oh will we ever be set free?

Riding through dust clouds and barren wastes,
Galloping hard on the plains.
Chasing the redskins back to their holes,
Fighting them at their own game.
Murder for freedom, a stab in the back.
Women and children and cowards attack.

Run to the hills, run for your lives.
Run to the hills, run for your lives.

Soldier blue in the barren wastes,
Hunting and killing for game.
Raping the women and wasting the men,
The only good Indians are tame.
Selling them whiskey and taking their gold,
Enslaving the young and destroying the old.

Run to the hills, run for your lives

HammerFall - Natural highPerjantai 31.07.2009 21:40

Last night I had a vivid dream
I found a place where nothing's what it seems
I'm bound to walk this earth alone
I am a hunter and the heir to the throne

The chase of blood and sweet revenge
It keeps on hammering in my head
The urge to kill is getting stronger
I'm south of heaven, north of hell
My final place to rest

Surrender your soul
Surrender your pride
Please enter my dream
Find your natural high
You've got nothing to fear
Cause your rebirth is near

The battle rages deep inside
No where to run for my eternal bride
And when the darkness comes around
I come alive, cause for your sweet blood I am bound

I taste your blood so bitter sweet
Come ease my pain get on your knees
You know true love is meant to be
Forever is now what it seems
This is your final scream


So you are born again
To a higher plane
In my dark lair you're part of the game
Forever we are, forever we'll be
We're forever free

Children of Bodom - Hate me!Perjantai 17.07.2009 17:10

I was born in ashes of molten hatred
Raised by demons in abodes of the end
The reaper's scythe I fall upon to light my path
Wrecked by mangled wounds of life
I have become become the resurrection of the evil one
You know that I don't fucking care If I live or die

I need a bishop preaching fire to get away with my sins
I despise everything I see so I don't give a fuck if ya hate me

Ain't got respect for humanity
Never lived or wanted immortality
The reaper's shadow I fall upon to obscure my path
Every day I'm being battered up until I bleed
You motherfucker just leave me be
Ya could never give me cure for the pain I feel inside

Led by the reaper I walk in the night
Show me the way to yer kingdom come

I believe in armageddon, I've been baptised in alcohol
I'm embodyment of antichrist
I'm living for my own demise

Children of Bodom - Follow the reaperPerjantai 17.07.2009 17:04

Loosing the war I'm feining to win
though I never tried to to strive deep
from within. Life could be beautiful
for anybody it's for, but I'd swear this
mothafuckin' shit is rotten to the core.

The portal has been past and it's
time to make a turn, to follow the reaper
until the point of no return.

When your blindly death-raying blade
sweeps the griefs and fears away.
I cross my heart and hope to die thy freedom
will be mine.

Sinking down in the ocean of severe emotions.
Grab a bottle to drink up the pain-reliefing potion.
But after all, that got boring too, so no matter
what happens, I couldn't give a damn or too.

The portal has been past 'til the
point of no return. No more lines to cross,
no bridges to burn.

Now when your blindly death-raying blade
swept my griefs and tears away. I'd never go back
to cross that line.
I cross my heart and hope to die

Cheek - Mitä tänne jääPerjantai 17.07.2009 15:25

Kautta kiven ja kannon ja oman nimen mä vannon
Et mä vien tän skenen just sinne minne mä tahdon
Liiga päättää miltä suomihiphop kansan korvaan kuulostaa (Liiga!)
Eikä siihen ole näköpiiris muutosta ja

Mieti mitä jää kun mä lähden täältä
Mut ei syytä huoleen
Se päivä ei oo vielä tänään
Ei, ei, ei, ei
Mieti mitä jää kun mä lähden täältä
Kun mä kuolen
Se päivä ei oo vielä tänään
Ei, ei, ei, ei

Mä oon tässä. Pelkkä mikki meidän välissä
J.H.T. ja taas on hitti teillä käsissä
Mä raotan mun maailmaa, sä taidatkin jo tuntee mut
Jos tiedät enemmän kun nimen, ainakin oot kuunnellut
Levyt on ku päiväkirja, tilinpäätös vuodesta
Jo nuoresta antanut niiden puhua mun puolesta
Oon avoin vihkolle, sille voinut vuodattaa
Kun ei kai täällä muihin ole oikeen voinu luottaakaan
Tieto lisää tuskaa, elämä opettaa
Se teki must tällasen, pakotti vetämään kovempaa
Stressaava pessimisti, skeptikko ja kyynikko
Ei synny tasapainoo, mut ehkä taitavin lyyrikko
Ne asettaa paineita, mä otan kaiken vastaan
Se on väistämätöntä, kun maine kasvaa, paineet kasvaa
Mun pitää kehittyy, keskittyy ja ottaa haltuun
Koska täällä jokainen huti on naulaa omaan arkkuun


Mä oon katsellut tääl artistien tulevan ja menevän
Ja jengin heittävän räppiunelmansa menemään
Mut mä tiesin, että duuni tulee kantaa hedelmää
Sen ansiosta kulta-aikaa uudestaan taas eletään
Mut liian harvoin laatuu täällä tulee vastaan keneltkään
Jengin pitäis vääntää jotain upeempaa ja reteempää
Nuorten pitäis astuu esiin, laittaa vastust kehiin
Stand up! missä ikinä sit asuttekin!
En haluis olla yksin täällä, en haluis yksin jäädä
Seistä rokkareiden seassa, ainoon ty-ty-tyylikkäänä
Pitkätukist saa skalpeerattuu päänaukkoja helpommin
Silti uusii MCeit venaillessa jään katsomaan kellooni
Ja mä tiedän, että en oo ainoa joka venaa
Ootko miettinyt mitä tapahtuu jos mä delaan?
Naah... mä elän, tää jatkuu
Ja niin kauan kenenkään ei tarvii pelätä laskuu


Kun on vetänyt muutaman tuhatta biisiä livenä
Pikkuhiljaa tajuu miten mikkiä pidellään
Mul on ote, jonka mä en anna ikinä livetä
Seison kaiken takana mun ristimänimellä (Liiga!)