


Kennel Liten&Lagom (Skotin terrierin kasvattaja + trimmi Etelä Ruotsissa) 🐾❤️

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 17.10.2008 13:09

' I pull myself into pieces, even thou I tear myself into an bleeding shadow.

All those dark, ungreatful and so convinian memories, thats hides near to me, stalking me, creeping my chest with their unseen fingers of pain and unhumanity.

Not a night without mardreams, screams so deep of dark conspiricy, swet that makes my skin cold on night.

I pull myself, into pieces, even thou It wont help me remember, or help me forget.

All the pain in my life, next to me hand in hand, touching my face gently, leaving only the bloodmark after it, in my eyes, with delightful pictures of odd feelings deep in with my soul.

What is the reason of my unhappy excisting, It makes me hang my head dejectedly every day-

Maybe I should just stop thinking, screaming, feeling.

I wanna become that cold, frozen-hearted, hatred monster that I escape.

It makes me drown into madness of despericy.

Can I see the light glimt, in the world of darkness, might it save my hatred mind.

How to loose myself uncounsesly, to not ever hurt myself again. '

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