



[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.09.2009 19:46

Mika Rekola: "Juu no niin. Palaan astialle eli asiaan eli siihen, kun viime viikolla kysyin et osaatko soittaa rumpuja. Eli osaatko soittaa rumpuja / osaatko laulaa ja luettele mitä kaikkea osaat. Suihinotto ja 15 minuutin selvinpäin oleminen sekä perseen nuoleminen luetaan eduksi! Mellä on ensi sunnuntaina pieni palaveri bändin kanssa, niin ilmoitan ensi viikolla mahdollisesta kiinnityksestäsi" :)

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 26.08.2009 02:50

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 03.08.2009 21:37

Jamesin synttäri!!

Diamond Head coveri (James, Dave, Lars ja Ron)

Over and under, do you go down to the sea
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Sweet and timely caress, dear babe fulfillin' me
I can feel her heart, it is beating down inside
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Tasty, tasty, tasty, tasty
Into her valley, all her charms taste of love
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Fragrance of my dreams, yeah go down, take my love
Oh yeah, yeah
Taste my bitter wine, cos there's something boiling up inside
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Tasty, tasty, tasty, tasty
Make me go.....
Shoot me
Faster, faster
Love, sucking my love
Oh Lord, sucking my love
Oh Lord, sucking my love

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 19.07.2009 13:47

Eilen vietettiin Ismon ja Hanna-Riitan häitä. Oli kivaa. Nappasin sukkanauhan!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 17.07.2009 16:00

As a turn of the tide
It is our turn to rise
The force of a union at war
March over the mountains
On our way to the north
On the road that will lead us to Rome
Our way will not be easy
It will take us through hardship and pain
Hill after hill breaking their line of defense
Head at north

Mile after mile our march carries on
No army may stop our approach
Fight side by side
Many nations unite
At the shadow of Monte Cassino
We fight and die together
As we head for the valley of death
Destiny calls
We'll not surrender or fail

To arms!
Under one banner
As a unit we stand
And united we fall -
As one fighting together
Bringing the end to the slaughter
Winds are changing
Head at north!

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 15.07.2009 22:56

Olin muuten Turussa kolme päivää!!

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 15.07.2009 22:47

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 30.06.2009 23:58

Divine queen of evil
Sowing her seeds of hate
Mistress of pain
Diva Satanica - Master of temptation

Medusa... abuser... both beast and beauty
Seducer... she'll use you... bring you to your knees

Blinded by her infinite beauty
you are lured into the temple
The smell of incense burning
this carnal pleasure yearning
Bride of Satan
Transgress the rules of this world
Too late you realize
this love is ripping you apart

Medusa... abuser... both beast and beauty
Seducer... she'll use you... as fodder for her dreams

Drinking the blood
Eating the flesh
She's getting high on you
Watching you die gives her a thrill
...There is always more blood to spill...

O RLY?! :DTiistai 30.06.2009 00:55

95% kaikista nuorista saisi paniikkikohtauksen, jos tokio hotel seisoisi kymmenkerroksisen talon katolla, valmiina hyppäämään.
Kopioi tämä, jos kuulut siihen 5% joka ottaisi popcornia ja menisi
talon alle huutamaan: JUMP ! JUMP ! JUMP !

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 24.06.2009 16:55

"So there you go. You're the retarded offspring of five monkeys having butt-sex with a fish-squirrel!! Congratulations!" :D