


Fail and try again

Happy b-day me! :)Sunnuntai 18.10.2009 15:16

So, finally 14, I quess it's still 4 more years before 18, unless of course, if my math lacks, then not... :D

Happy b-day for you! Happy b-day for you! Happy b-day for youuu!

Aww, thanks! :')


How doe's this seems that I'm a little selfpity... I mean look at this blog! I'm god damn singing "Happy birthday for you!" song by me for myself! I mean C'mon, grow up man!... :D


Well, another pointless blog, I quess, but still, I enjoy writing these pointless blogs, for fun, and critisisim... :D

And I have to say it once more...
Happy birthday Emil! :D
So desperate...

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