


can make you smile

Walk awayKeskiviikko 20.02.2008 02:18

I gave you three years of my life
You always said I'd be your wife
Whatever happened to the days when life was simple?
Everyone knows my name
I haven't changed, I'm the same girl
I was from the start
Everything 's rearranged, you came
And changed it and gave me a broken heart

You didn't wanna work it out, no
You just wanted the easy route

You had my heart, you had my soul,
You had it all - didn't you
Now you can stay here and spend your
Whole life running, but baby it's
Time to move on

So here I am walking down the street
Looking for a sign, when will I meet
The man of my dreams, when will he come to me?
When will he come to me?


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