
[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 28.11.2008 18:28

Here are a number of personality traits that may or may not apply to you. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each pair of trait descriptors. You should rate the extent to which the pair of traits applies to you, even if one characteristic applies more strongly than the other.

Please rate these items with respect to how you generally see yourself.

I see myself as someone who...
Is inventive.

Remains calm in tense situations.

Can be moody.
Strongly Disagree

Is original, comes up with new ideas.

Is full of energy.

Is sometimes shy, inhibited.

Is emotionally stable, not easily upset.
Strongly Agree

Has few artistic interests.
Strongly Agree

Gets nervous easily.
Strongly Disagree

Is talkative.

Is ingenious, a deep thinker.

Tends to be disorganized.
Strongly Agree

Values artistic, aesthetic experiences.
Strongly Disagree

Tends to find fault with others.

Has an assertive personality.

Does things efficiently.

Is relaxed, handles stress well.
Strongly Agree

Likes to cooperate with others.

Likes to reflect, play with ideas.

Tends to be quiet.

Is outgoing, sociable.

Can be somewhat careless.
Strongly Agree

Generates a lot of enthusiasm.
Strongly Disagree

Worries a lot.
Strongly Agree

Is sometimes rude to others.

Tends to be lazy.
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

Is sophisticated in art, music, or literature.
Strongly Disagree

Has a forgiving nature.
Strongly Agree

Is easily distracted.
Strongly Disagree

Is reserved.
Strongly Agree

Makes plans and follows through with them.

Starts quarrels with others.

Is considerate and kind to almost everyone.
Strongly Agree

Is generally trusting.
Strongly Agree

Keeps going until the task is finished.

Is depressed, blue.
Strongly Disagree

Does a thorough job.
Strongly Disagree

Is a reliable worker.

Is helpful and unselfish with others.

Can be cold and aloof.

Has an active imagination.

Is curious about many different things.
Strongly Agree

Prefers work that is routine.

Can be tense.

part 2

Crime Report: San Quentin Prison. Palm Springs, California

-Born and raised in San Antonio
-Convicted in 2003 for breaking into a stranger's home and stabbing him to death
- Hobbies include reading and gardening
- Worked as a secretary before being convicted
- Scheduled to be released in 30 years

How attractive do you find this person based on physical apperance only?
Not very attractive Very attractive

Please answer the following questions.

1. How much do you enjoy watching crime-related television shows (CSI, Law and Order, etc.)?
Very Much

2. How much do you enjoy reading true crime novels?
Very Little

3. How interested would you be in writing to this person while they are in prison?
Very Little

4. How much influence do you think parents have on whether their children turn out to be criminals/murderers?

5. How much do you think genetics influences whether someone becomes a criminal/killer?

6. Did you enjoy learning about this person?

7. How interested would you be in reading more about this person?

8. How interested would you be in meeting this person while he/she is in prison?
Very Little

9. How interested would you be in going on a date with this person if he/she was released from prison?
Very Little

10. How attractive do you find this person?

11. How much sympathy do you feel for this person?
Very Little

The scores for each scale range from 1 (low) to 5 (high). Your scores are as follows:
extraversion = 2.12, agreeableness = 4.00, conscientiousness = 2.89, neuroticism = 1.25, and openness = 3.30.

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