


Surrounded but alone

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Behind the scenesPerjantai 04.01.2008 22:01

All this shit behind the scenes
is making me crazy

You're just sick wannabes
trying to rape my imagination

Hey, what's going on your head?
Tell me, tell me what's wrong there!
My veins bleeding as I lie on my bed
and you need to have the same death

I don't need you to follow me everywhere
I don't need you to mess my life
I don't want you to stare me in the mall
I don't want to see you ever again

Hey, what's going on your head?
Tell me, tell me what's wrong there!
My veins bleeding as I lie on my bed
and you need to have the same death

I can't stand this anymore
fakes, that what you are and nothing more
My last words to you my whores:

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