


Surrounded but alone

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Against the windKeskiviikko 31.05.2006 01:28

Light sound of wind's whisper
slowly guides minder's patch
Blessed with a sense inside
He will found the great waters
As he sail towards the hills

Moon floats above the sky
fraily lights minder's way
Growed with heart of adventure
Loosen up to grab the twig
Throw it away before the last dance
Wounded by the stones of care
Don't need anymore scars

Took the finest diamond
to have the respect of small village
Gained the trust, burned everything
Nothing left alive after him
"I'll be there, no matter what's the cost"
He said and grabbed his sword

Finally in great waters
Made the boat and the oars
Sailed beyond the bays
Storm of the century came suddenly
This story has been told in many versions
but this is everything we know about this traveller

but he can come back..

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