


Surrounded but alone

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"Runopoika" vauhissa taasTorstai 28.09.2006 02:43

Joku luultavasti lukee tän ensimmäisenä <3

Where can I go?
Must I get through?
When I was trying to leave you behind
I noticed, you were just good to me
That's what I'm trying to justify
hoping that you won't pass me by

Everyday and tomorrow
I will miss you
Everything I would do
to get a chance to kiss you
in our Roseland
So hard I was trying
Tomorrow I'll be crying
You can't be hiding (can you?)

And yes, I will
escape from this thrill
I know, I'm so far away
but you've my heart to stay
Should I walk back into night
Maybe I'm too tired to fight
Will I ever find a place to hide

Anymore I won't fall
Should I take a last call?

Everyday and tomorrow
I will miss you
All I need right now
is chance to kiss you
forever in my land
So hard I will try
Maybe tomorrow I cry
No matter where you hide (Where you hide?)

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