


Surrounded but alone

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Vanhojen päiväkirjojen kaivelua:Keskiviikko 13.01.2010 16:13

One tear away from nowhere
Just let the world tear you into pieces
Done with the good job in here
Probably the last one of our spieces

One sentence away from destruction
And world locks you in a cage
Healing the scars with lithium
Trying to survive away from the mental maze

As the effect kicks in, your head just starts to spin

They thread you like a lunatic
On the road you're truely getting sick
They read books, take samples and crucifie
Million promises but they're all a lie

On the street you hear their whispering
without understanding the pain
they condemn.. you're just insane

Bare this nightmare..
bare those smilies away

As the effect kicks in, your head just starts to spin

They thread you like a lunatic
On the road you're truely getting sick
They read books, take samples and crucifie
Million promises but they're all a lie

Get fucking insane!

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