


Surrounded but alone

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[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 06.02.2007 22:20

Heh, aloin lukee historian kokeesee ja sielt välist löyty mun kirjotus, mikä on kirjotettu hissan tunnilla joskus enne jouluu.

Sentences don't make sence
Words ain't enough
It's just so hard to tell how I feel for you
for me, this is something new
and I think you know it too

You're the song of my life
telling the story of a boy taking another dive
time after time
You're the song of my life
the beautiful part in me
let me show thee
how you make me feel

Dream, which means more than life itself
to be in this endless moment for a moment
Take my hand, jump to my arms
Tomorrow we can fly to the mars
Together sleeping this lifetime dream

for you I will
and my love is for you
I really know it
and I think you know it too

You're the song of my life
Chords of yesterday
combines with harmony of tomorrow
and there will be a new day
You're the song in my life
and music is all in me
Can I show you
how you make me feel?

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