

- Vanhempi »

you can really get it(sanotus)Lauantai 20.02.2010 18:24

Hey you, i know what you want
Hey you,you suppose you can't get it
but i know, that you are wrong
Cause you can get anything
If you really want it
You can really get it
Try hard and you succeed it

If you are ready sell your soul for it
You can really get it
if you give evrything for it
Eventually you will get it

Give that so you get it
when you try take it
Something else will taken off you
But it doesn't matter,
if you really want it
you must do a lot of work
but if you really want it
all work is worth it

If you are ready sell your soul for it...

If you want be the first
First you must be the last
if you want be the best
first you must be the worst

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