
näinpäMaanantai 06.07.2009 21:14

The most horrendous piece of feces ever forced
To be disposed of is what I was created for

Oh, no... (I'm sorry that I was born) wrong!

When death releases you from me
Just dump my foul remains on some near-by field
- I don't deserve a grave
When you finally get rid of me
Just let my corpse decay ...unburied
- I do NOT deserve the luxury of a grave

My worthlessness is something there is no doubt of:
- I am a waste of the filth I was made out of

How low... (I'm sorry I'm still alive) ...can I go!?

When death releases you from me
Just dump my foul remains on some near-by field
- I don't deserve a grave
When you finally get rid of me
Just let my corpse decay ...unburied
- I do NOT deserve the luxury of a grave

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