Alright, so in the end I have actually overestimated the boss at MS. I expected that he won't like the report, but then I thought that I would be supposed to rewrite it MYSELF, not that he would change it in such a way that a different story comes out!! F*ck that. I didn't expect that within the "correction" of the article he'd turn my sentences in such a way that they get a totally different meaning, leave out half of the paragraphs, leave out the whole ending of the report and generally leave half of my thoughts out. It pisses me off, but I don't have enough strength to argue about that. And I don't believe he'd listen to me anyway.. I wrote it in the same way as I always used to write gig reports. And based on my gig reports I got this job, so why is a similar one suddenly all fucked up?? I should let go.
It's always like that- if someone doesn't understand and doesn't bother themselves to ask what I meant and simply claims me wrong, I lose all my will to explain and just walk away. I guess it would be better for me to really leave MS. If it's just among a few people, I don't have to give a sh*t. But this is a different case, here I "present myself" on a popular website with something I didn't write and don't like. They make grammar mistakes in the articles, they don't respect the way I put my thoughts there. And they make factic mistakes. Since the band KYPCK was formed in 1999, the name simply can't refer to the submarine tragedy in 2000. That's why I wrote "the name reminds me of", not "the name refers to", that's f*cking wrong!!
I'm still only waiting for spring and for the tours. At this point it's the only thing that is worth staying there for. I don't give a sh*t about MS, I don't wanna be there, but more than this I want to get some decent promotion for the guys. Or at least try for it.
Which has reminded me that I wanted to apply for a job at Rockshock. Hopefully they won't be so narrowminded and will be interested in new bands.
Wittu. Perfect beginning of the year, what's going wrong next?