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[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 05.01.2009 00:39

You think you have a dream; wellÂ…all of us have it actually. But what happens when everyone but you can reach it? Hands touching the surreal border between reality and imagination, but yours dies as soon as it raises. Yeah it happens sometimes, but this is getting annoying.

The concept of change came in my mind onceÂ…well ok, more than once. You could say that I wanted to changeÂ…or letÂ’s say change some things that happened in the past, but then I wouldnÂ’t live to regret them no? I wouldnÂ’t have memories to despise and feel sorry forÂ…so I guess itÂ’s all according to an unwritten plan. I only wish I knew the script before I began playingÂ…that way I could have changed somethingÂ…or at least try to.

But as they say, no use crying over spilled milk no? So IÂ’ll quit ranting about what could have happened and what didnÂ’t happen. ItÂ’s all in the pastÂ…and as far as I remember, this is the present. SometimesÂ…when the two collide, memories surface and I live through them just to be sure they were once real.

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