1. I confess I miss someone very bad, but I don't know how to get in touch with the person because I don't want to make a fool out of myself since I'm so proud. I swallowed my pride once, but it didn't do anything for the matter and therefore I couldn't face it either. It's pretty hard to try and greet, when you don't know what the other party thinks.
2. I have hard time dealing with the sickness of a friend, because it affect everything around me, and I have had an argument with this friend of mine, because of one other friend he kind of blackmailed to me, and me to her.
3. I am stubborn, curious, egoistic, angry, closed, and pretty much narcissist person. Therefore I don't make friends easily, at least the long term ones.
4. The damn sure way to make me angry is to try to think for me, and tell me what to do/say/want. Same goes for telling me what I have done/said/wanted, if the matter is not true.
5. I have five close friends, but from them I'm a close friend for four or three. Due to my own actions.
6. When I hold a grudge I hold it long, but when I don't I just can't stand fighting, and there's only one person I hold eternal grudge to.