
JeaTiistai 10.11.2009 02:26

Finally, this god damn day has come to an end. The day started as bad as it could. I, for some reason, skipped school making Meri angry like hell and leaving my mate Emma all alone at school :(.

After "school" I went to see Meri downtown. I really found no way to excuse my actions to her as there were no excuses. I am a dork.
Luckily she didn't get THAT upset after I promised that this will happer never again, which I sincerely meant by the way.

I just want you, Meri, to know that I am really, really sorry for what happened. I will make sure that this won't happen again. For your sake as well as mine.
I love you girl, I hope we will never be seperated. Being close to you is just too good for me to lose.

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