Siis voi hyvä helvetti, en oo ehkä millekkää haastattelulle nauranu niin paljon kun tolle yhdelle... Jos sen nyt ees voi laskee haastatteluks. :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
On myös kova saavutus onnistua hukkaamaan 200 000$ jonnekin....
Vincellä meni lujaa:
"What are you fuckin' smashin'? Peanuts?"
"So you sat there and just smashed peanuts? We actually did drugs and had fun!"
"There's something very wrong with these guys..."
"Are you guys out of your mind?"
"Lia! They try to get me drunk... MOM! MOM!"
"Oh fuck me what a kid he was... and Vince was his name. Sing dudel-dej-sing-dudel-dej-sing-dudel-dudel-dej..."