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Rakkaus ei ole mitään puoliksiSunnuntai 13.01.2013 22:16

Rakkaus on KAIKKI kokonaan

Kiitollinen mieli on avain paratiisiinPerjantai 11.01.2013 02:21

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.01.2013 02:48

Easy test, say Yes.Perjantai 04.01.2013 22:28

Native SpiritPerjantai 04.01.2013 22:15

UpeaaLauantai 29.12.2012 05:11

Heaven letterPerjantai 28.12.2012 17:56

Constant reflection and meditation on the Self until your last breath will liberate you from the samsara forever. After liberation, you will have the firm conviction that the "I am", the personal self, is an illusion and that the samsara is also an illusion. All is your own projection, a trick of the mind. You will remain quiet in your eternal, blissful Self and you will never return to the samsara again. Self is here and now. Have this firm conviction at all times: "I am eternal Self, I am eternal Reality." Your long journey back home ends here, in satsang, in association with Truth, beauty, love and existence. Fall in love with the unchanging, permanent nectar of Self. Do it now and today!

~ Sri H. W. L. Poonja (Papaji)

JoulumusiikkiaTiistai 25.12.2012 01:24

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 23.12.2012 20:52

The open secret of real success

When it is morning, it is morning. When it is evening, it is evening. There is no question of choice. Drop the choice and you are free everywhere--freedom can be only in choicelessness. So when you are young, it is beautiful; when you are a child, it is beautiful; when you are old, it is beautiful; when you are dying, it is beautiful--because you are never separate from the total, you are just a wave in the ocean.

The wave in the ocean can start thinking of itself as an individual--then there will be trouble. The wave in the ocean never thinks of itself as separate, so wherever the ocean is taking her, she is willingly, joyously, dancingly moving in that direction.

A song from the mystic Kabir:
I talk to my inner lover and I say, why such rush? We sense that there is some sort of spirit that loves birds and animals and the ants--perhaps the same one who gave a radiance to you in your mother's womb. Is it logical you would be walking around entirely orphaned now? The truth is, you turned away yourself, and decided to go into the dark alone. Now you are tangled up in others and have forgotten what you once knew, and that is why everything you do has some weird failure in it.

Things happen when they are needed to happen; things are bound to happen when they are needed to happen. All goes well--just trust. Remember the difference. The theologian will say, "Believe in the concept of God." The mystic says there is no need to believe in the concept of God, just sense the harmony in existence. It is not a concept, it is not a belief--you can sense it, it is everywhere.

It is almost tangible. The moment you think you are one with the whole, there is relaxation; a sudden let-go happens. You need not keep hold of yourself, you can relax. There is no need to remain tense, because there is no private goal to be attained by you. You flow with God. God's goal is your goal, his destiny is your destiny.

You don't have a private destiny--the private destiny brings problems. Have you not watched it in your own life? All that you do goes on failing. You still don't see the point--you think that you didn't do it as it should have been done, that's why it has failed. So you try another project and you fail again. Then you think that your skill is not enough, so you learn the skill and then you fail again. Then you think "The whole world is against me" or "Fate is against me" or "I am a victim of people's jealousies." You go on finding explanations for why you fail, but you never strike the real ground of your failure.

Kabir says: Failure means you-minus-God. That's Kabir's understanding. Failure is equal to you-minus-God, and success is equal to you-plus-God. Success is within God and with God. And remember, by 'God' I don't mean a person sitting somewhere in heaven, but the cosmic spirit. Sense the cosmic spirit, the Tao, the law that permeates the whole existence--out of which you are born, and to which one day you will return.