


"An angel does not make love, an angel is love."

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

Parhaimpia levyjäSunnuntai 10.09.2017 15:29

Normal. ?Keskiviikko 06.09.2017 00:22

What happens now?Keskiviikko 06.09.2017 00:21

Cheating the polygraphKeskiviikko 06.09.2017 00:20

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 03.09.2017 01:54

Fear of a Blank planetKeskiviikko 30.08.2017 19:51

Joskus tulee mietittyä pelkoa.
Ja sitä miten hukkasin pelon pelkäämisen eräällä iltakävelyllä, samaan aikaan kun aika pysähtyi ja ympärilläni avautui elävä nyt hetki.
Sattumalta huomasin, että tästä kappaleesta on olemassa lyhyempi versio ja musavideo.

Tiukat etenkin noi sanoitukset, ja sit sävellys, soitto, miksaus, editointi.
Just tässä jalkakipuun tramaleita popsiessa jotenkin hittas uudelleen tää, ei siis se pelko, vaan tän kappaleen inhorealismi ja rehellisyys ja tapa, millä se tavoittaa kysymyksen, johon voi vastata kolmella tavalla, joista minä tunnen vain kaksi, joista se yhteinen on ehdottomasti se, jonka olen taipuvainen valitsemaan. <3

69Keskiviikko 30.08.2017 01:19

I too was onceKeskiviikko 19.07.2017 23:56


by Camden Benares, The Count of Five
Headmaster, Camp Meeker Cabal

A serious young man found the conflicts of mid 20th Century America confusing. He went to many people seeking a way of resolving within himself the discords that troubled him, but he remained troubled.

One night in a coffee house, a self-ordained Zen Master said to him, "go to the dilapidated mansion you will find at this address which I have written down for you. Do not speak to those who live there; you must remain silent until the moon rises tomorrow night. Go to the large room on the right of the main hallway, sit in the lotus position on top of the rubble in the northeast corner, face the corner, and meditate."

He did just as the Zen Master instructed. His meditation was frequently interrupted by worries. He worried whether or not the rest of the plumbing fixtures would fall from the second floor bathroom to join the pipes and other trash he was sitting on. He worried how would he know when the moon rose on the next night. He worried about what the people who walked through the room said about him.

His worrying and meditation were disturbed when, as if in a test of his faith, ordure fell from the second floor onto him. At that time two people walked into the room. The first asked the second who the man was sitting there was. The second replied "Some say he is a holy man. Others say he is a shithead."

Hearing this, the man was enlightened.

Ihan kuin kotona 30-luvullaMaanantai 17.07.2017 20:30