


ajatus virtaa lima kalvoilla

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[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 26.12.2011 05:32

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 25.12.2011 21:30

Every single day is a gift granted, and I'm not going waste that gift on hatred, envy, jealousy and other utterly useless feelings. My love does not have any boundaries, I love every single one of you from the bottom of my heart, it is in your decision to accept my love and share yours. Shining light of love surrounds us every single second of our life. Let it out, burst it out, let everyone know that they're not alone, let everyone feel your acceptance of their true personalities. Let yourself and everyone surrounded by you be free.


dstriilliillliiifgmSunnuntai 25.12.2011 16:19

o// Chill-FM \\o KinkunsulatusLähetys^HATTUHATTU^ sensei hostaa, höpinää ja löpinää ja sitä muzaqquaaaaAaaaAAhhh! Jouluuuuuuuuuuupukkiiilllaa ooolllii karitsa hiialaaahaiillalaaheeiiii!!1 ctrl +L && | Join us at #chillfm @ QuakeNET
#ChillFM @ Quakenet

Nih.Perjantai 23.12.2011 18:04

We have had a mind-programming exercising, thats called "the war on drugs" for the last 40 years, which has been designed to create an internal enemy in our societies and convince people that there are these evil, wicked groups who are doing these terrible, sinful things smoking these drugs and doing this and that.

A very dark image has been created around this and people get very upset irrationally about this whole issue. And actually what's been forgotten in all of this, is that when the state sends us to prison for essentially exploring our own consciousness. This is an grotesque abuse of human rights. It's a fundamental wrong if I as an adult am not sovereign over my own consciousness then I'm absolutely not sovereign over anything. I can't claim any kind of freedom at all and what has happen over the last 40 or 50 years under the disguise of the war on drugs, is that we have been persuaded to hand over the keys of our consciousness to the state. The most precious, the most intimate, the most sapient part of ourselves, the state now has the key and Furthermore! They have persuaded us that thats in our interests. This is a very dangerous situation.

daaaadirlandirlandaaa!Keskiviikko 21.12.2011 18:43

*tirsk*Tiistai 20.12.2011 14:12


Vaimomatskuu <3Sunnuntai 18.12.2011 10:23

Don't worry, be happy!Lauantai 17.12.2011 14:20

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 17.12.2011 09:01

Don’t stop, turn that up, take it higher
Take this mother up, start a riot
Don’t stop, turn that up, take it higher
Take this mother up, start a riot
There’s a glitch inside my system
Pushing through my whole existence
Got me twisted, can’t resist this
Something’s flipping all my switches
Take’em, breake’em, make’em feel it
Mix it up and mess up with it
Pressure is riding me hard
Killer dose right through my heart
And there’s no antidote

Homma meni nyt sit tällälailla!Perjantai 16.12.2011 06:02

Vedin ton tipaton haasteen facebookissa, sielä se kantoi enemmän hedelmää, haasteeks nasahti tämmönen.

Alkaen 1.1.2012 vietän seuraavat 20 kuukautta täysin selvinpäin sallien itselleni ainoastaan lailliset luonnontuotteet (ginseng, tee, kahvi jne.), sallin itselleni myös oikeasti tasokkaan illallisen yhteydessä nautitun punaviinin, sekä mahdollisuuden osallistua humalanhakuiseen juomiseen mikäli erittäin hyvä ystäväni @Camillo minua illan viettoon kutsuu(jota tapahtuu noin muutaman kuukauden välein).

Haaste tulee kieltämättä olemaan helvetin kova. Mutta haluan todistaa itselleni pystyväni näinkin vaativaan suoritukseen. Ja uskon siihen myös pystyväni, haluan pystyä siihen. Kirjotan raporttia miten menee sitten tammikuun alusta.