Two brothers of wavy blondhair and shared passion. One blue eyed wanderer and the other green eyed seeker. The road holds many answers for those who dare to ask when familiar becomes silent to questions. And questions did the brothers have. Thats when brother desided that the green eyed would set sail for the west and blue eyed would travel east,and after a year they would meet up at home and share their experiences.
A year passed and the brothers did make it back home. The wanderer told that he had learned much about the peoples, places and cultures. And that he was going for even longer journey next time to find even greater meaning and deeper truth.
Then the wanderer asked of the seeker travels, how far did he go and what did he learn?
The seeker smiled and told that he had travelled to the neighboring village and learned truth of him self. He had found a woman of his dreams and came back to grow as a man and in search of a perfect place they could call home. The wanderer laughed and asked how can you know she or the place are perfect, you don't even know if she will come. The seeker kept smiling, and told, my dear brother i am a seeker and when i find what i am looking for i know it is perfect,it is in my nature, its in my stars. You are a wanderer, a shooting star, even if you could find perfections you would still travel in the search for something better. Much like your star's your road is never ending.