Olen kyllä harvinaisen rakastettava ihminen kun sille päälle satun!
Puhuin turkkilaisen pojan kanssa tässä. Turkilla menee kyllä tosi huonosti..
Jatkuu keskustelun randomista kohdasta:
do you like sanoo:
you are wery bad l am not them
MoonedBoots sanoo:
and i don't understad what you mean coz your english sucks
what's the matter with people.. you don't bother to study the language before using it
do you like sanoo:
kapa çeneni
MoonedBoots sanoo:
what language is that?
do you like sanoo:
MoonedBoots sanoo:
coz i don't know and i asked for god's sake
does that mean "shut up" :D
how nice of you :D
but the truth is that your english really do suck. do you even go to school :D
do you like sanoo:
very funny
MoonedBoots sanoo:
coz i mean.. my engish sucks :D and i'm way better than you!
do you like sanoo:
may be but you are not human
MoonedBoots sanoo:
oh my gosh! O.O if i'm not a human, your english is worse than i can even imagine! you lose to some kind of an animal. have your ever thinked about a suicide coz of this matter?
do you like sanoo:
you are veryprejudice.
MoonedBoots sanoo:
veryprejudice? :D is that even a word?
do you like sanoo:
fuck off wiseacre
MoonedBoots sanoo:
wiseacre :D what word is that?
if you make words, make some that others can understand too
do you like sanoo:
if you dont know wiseacre you must use dictionary
-- vähän aikaa mennöö --
do you like sanoo:
do you have turkish dictionary
MoonedBoots sanoo:
no, of course not. you should learn how to use english, so others didin't have to have hard time with your poor english skills
MoonedBoots sanoo:
but i now know why turkey isn't accepted to EU! coz if your leaders speak as bad english as you, the problem is that they just don't understand one an other!
do you like sanoo:
see you letter l must go now
Säälittää :D Mun englannintaidot alkaa vaikuttaa tosi hyviltä! Sain ainaki itsevarmuutta.