


She said"I'm not the moment"

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 11.04.2007 22:01

Which Hot Anime/Game Character are you?
You scored as Sephiroth.

You are Sephiroth. You are the, coolest, most kick ass villain to have ever walked the planet. You walk around with a huge 6ft sword and take over the world... KICK ASS!


*again hehee* (Sirius venytteli näppäimistöllä)

VOI tätä huomionkipeää elukkaa!! näppäimistö on ihan karvoissa... nyt se tulee takaisin!

What Anime Person Are You?
You scored as Valiant Hero.

You're the Valiant Hero who has that nifty weapon and the undying attitude. You're still getting that sorted out, but you love fighting those villians, anyway, even if they do annoy you.

Valiant Hero

What Anime character are you most likley to go out with?
You scored as Sesshoomaru

OH YEAH! Shashemoru! (Inuyashas brother)Wow your lucky because hes the hottest guy up hear. He's kind of a loner but even he needs love.


:D Onko kukaan yllättynyt? käsi ylös..!
Which of my favorite anime char R you?
You scored as Sango.


oh now i get that PERVERT!!-thing! :D
What Anime Are You
You scored as Full Metal Alchemist.

Your the full metal alchemist

Full Metal Alchemist

that's because they always ask the height(!), and I AM NOT SHORT!!!
What anime character are you?
You scored as Naraku.

You are Naraku, the evil half-demon and you like to make others do your work for you and rid of them if they don't.


Which anime show are you?
You scored as Inuyasha.

You belong in the show Inuyasha!!!!!!!!


tottahan mie kuulun Sesshyn rinnalle!:*

blah! *kirottu puhelin* >:P

stay my feeble heartKeskiviikko 11.04.2007 20:54

Which vampire from gothic fiction are you?
You scored as Lestat.

You are Lestat you are very feminine almost to the point of homo you are very sadistic and deserve death you are filled with hate and can not shapeshift not that you would want to any way


:P you're just jealous because i have Louis!
Which Warrior From The Trojan War Are You?
You scored as Achilles.

You are almost invincible, because as a baby, your mother dipped you in the River Styx, which makes people invincible. Your only weakness is that your mother held you by your heel when she dipped you, so your heel is not invincible. You get into a fight with Agamemnon, the Greek Supreme Commander of Fighting Forces, so you leave the Achaean army. But when your friend Patroclus gets killed in the fighting, you rejoin the fight and avenge him. Eventually, you get shot in the heel by Paris, and die.


*damn! me hot* :D
Marvel character Quiz
You scored as Wolverine.

What Iconic Movie Character Are You?
You scored as Darth Vader.

You are the Dark Lord of the Sith, powerful and evil. You always dominate everything, and woe to those who oppose you. You may have a good side buried deep within, but for now you rule with an iron fist. And you like it.

Darth Vader

*mau mau mau mau-ma-mau mau-ma-mau*
Harry Potter, who do you resemble most?
You scored as Snape.

Like Snape you can capture attention just by speaking because what you say is usually valid and your intelligence allows you to think of witty remarks instead of losing control. You may seems unfair but underneath you are loyal to your allies even if you don't get along.


*happy happy happy* hyvät prosentit!:D
what famous gothic guy would you go for
You scored as chris angel.81%

you would go for chris angel you like dark mystery types
who will kill you
You scored as Neo.

You will be killed by Neo...Don't let his trench coat foil you...he is fast and so will be your death..


*Me not MR.Smith!*
which band could u be in?
You scored as bullet for my valentine.70%

you are bullet for my valentine..gosh they are so great..i love u..marry me??
which desperate housewives character are you?
You scored as bree van de kamp.

bree van de kamp


pupu ja ruohonleikkuri :DKeskiviikko 11.04.2007 01:21

Kirjoita 10 tietämäsi anime hahmon, tai manga hahmon, tai japanilaisen julkisuuden hahmon nimet. Älä lue jäljessä tulevia kysymyksiä ennen nimien kirjoittamista! Tehtävään saa haastaa myös muita, jos haluaa.

01. Sesshoomaru
02. Edward Elric
03. Eclipse
04. Kuran Kaname
05. Dark Mousy
06. Noin Claude
07. Rain Jewlitt
08. Yuca Collabell
09. Panther
10. Hagane

Nyt vastaa kysymyksiin niin, että vastaukset koskevat aina kyseistä numeroa vastaavaa tyyppiä.


Missä ja milloin tapasit ensimmäisen kerran 10?
- kotona, sängylläni;D (Ruriha saa painua metsään...)

Mitä tekisit, jos et olisi koskaan tavannut 6?
- *järkytys* -minulla olisi aukko sivistyksessä (kuka pelastaa?)

Oletko koskaan nähnyt 4 itkevän?
- pöh, ei Kaname-sama itke!

Olisivatko 8 ja 3 hyvä yhdistelmä/pari??
- Eclipse voisi tehdä siitä tomaattisosetta:D

Mikä tekee 7 erityisen?
- no mitä nyt on kuolematon 'enkeli', tarpeeksi vahava tuhotakseen koko maailman ja sitä rataa...(puhumattakaan miehen tukasta! mikäs siinä kun kasvattaa pari sataa vuotta)

Kuvaile 4:
- Komea ja mahtava voimallinen puhdasverinen vampyyli:D

5 lempipuuha?
- naisille lirkuttelu:P

Voisitko koskaan asua 8 kanssa samassa kämpässä?
- oi Yuca*sob*-Noora auttaa tuhoamaan maailman *tap tap* (kuka sille muka voisi sanoa ei?)

Onko 5 vapaa vai varattu?
- vapaa kuin taivaan lintu.......

Mitä 7 ajattelisi sinusta, jos tuntisi sinut?
- no sehän tykkäisi minusta niin kuin kaikista muistakin ihmisistä yleensä:D

Mikä on 2 lempinimet?
- *aliravitun kirpun kokoinen pieneliö* hehee:D

Oletko koskaan halunnut vakavaa suhdetta 6 kanssa?
- Hell yeah!!!!!

Missä 3 asuu?
- no Raenefin linnassa sen kanssa !

Mitä mieltä olet 8?
- *saa anteeksi että yrittää tuhota maailman* (pitäähän raukkaa ymmärtää)

Mikä on parasta 9?
- tukka:D palvelualtis mies:D ja vieläpä jätti-kisu!!!

Voisitko kuvitella riiteleväsi verisesti numero 4 kanssa?
- en riidellä, höppöp.. mutta veriseksi voi hommat mennä:D

Miten opit tietäämään 7?
- näin mainoksen :P

Onko sinulla sisarellinen suhde 2 kanssa?
- ei! ei!

Paras piirre 5?
- charmikas ja hurmaava luonne:D

Luuletko pitäväsi "yhteyttä" 1 kanssa koko loppuelämäsi ajan?
- no taatusti! asuuhan se meitin kanssa:D

tämä oli pakkom kopsata:DTiistai 10.04.2007 23:00


Päivä 180

0800 JEE! Koiranruokaa! Mun lempparia!
0930 JEE! Autoajelu! Mun lempparia!
0940 JEE! Kävelyretki! Mun lempparia!
1030 JEE! Autoajelu! Mun lempparia!
1130 JEE! Koiranruokaa! Mun lempparia!
1200 JEE! Lapset!Mun lempparia!
1300 JEE! Piha! Mun lempparia!
1600 JEE! Äiti! Mun lemppari!
1700 JEE! Koiranruokaa! Mun lempparia!
1730 JEE! Iskä! Mun lemppari!

Päivä 181

0800 JEE! Koiranruokaa! Mun lempparia!
0930 JEE! Autoajelu! Mun lempparia!
0940 JEE! Kävelyretki! Mun lempparia!
1030 JEE! Autoajelu! Mun lempparia!
1130 JEE! Koiranruokaa! Mun lempparia!
1200 JEE! Lapset! Mun lempparia!
1300 JEE! Piha! Mun lempparia!
1600 JEE! Äiti! Mun lemppari!
1700 JEE! Koiranruokaa! Mun lempparia!
1730 JEE! Iskä! Mun lemppari!

Päivä 182

0800 JEE! Koiranruokaa! Mun lempparia!
0930 JEE! Autoajelu! Mun lempparia!
0940 JEE! Kävelyretki! Mun lempparia!
1030 JEE! Autoajelu! Mun lempparia!
1130 JEE! Koiranruokaa! Mun lempparia!
1200 JEE! Lapset! Mun lempparia!
1300 JEE! Piha! Mun lempparia!
1600 JEE! Äiti! Mun lemppari!
1700 JEE! Koiranruokaa! Mun lempparia!
1730 JEE! Iskä! Mun lemppari!


Päivä 752

Vangitsijani jatkavat huomioni kiinnittämistä omituisilla pienillä
heiluvilla esineillä. He syövät prameasti tuoretta lihaa, kun taas minut he
pakottavat syömään kuivia palleroita. Ainoa asia mikä pitää toivoani yllä on
toivo paosta, ja se lievä tyydytys jonka saan aina kun hajotan huonekalun.
Huomenna taidan syödä taas huonekasvin.

Päivä 761

Tänään yritykseni tappaa vangitsijani pyörimällä heidän jaloissaan kun he
kävelevät melkein onnistui. Täytyy yrittää samaa portaiden yläpäässä. Yritin
aiheuttaa kuvotusta ja inhoa sortajissani oksentamalla taas kerran heidän
lempituolilleen. Pitää yrittää samaa heidän sängylleen.

Päivä 765

Yrityksessäni herättää sortajissani pelkoa ja näyttääkseni, mihin pystyn
vein heille päättömän hiiren ruumiin. He vain lässyttivät ja jankuttivat
kuinka hyvä pikku kissa olen. Hmm... ei toimi suunnitelman mukaisesti.

Päivä 768

Vihdoinkin tajusin kuinka sadistisia he ovat. Ilman minkäänlaista syytä
minut valittiin vesikidutukseen. Tällä kertaa tosin siinä käytettiin myös
polttavaa ja vaahtoavaa kemikaalia jota he kutsuivat shampooksi. Mikä sairas
mieli pystyykään keksimään sellaisen nesteen! Ainoa lohdutukseni on
peukalonpalanen joka on vieläkin hampaitteni välissä.

Päivä 771

Heillä oli jonkinlainen salaseuran kokous. Minut laitettiin eristysselliin
koko tapahtuman ajaksi. Kuulin kuitenkin heidän äänensä ja haistoin
pahanhajuisen, olueksi kutsutun aineen lasiputkiloissa.

Tärkeää: Kuulin, että eristykseni johtui MINUN aiheuttamasta "allergiasta".
Pitää ottaa selvää mitä se on ja miten voin käyttää sitä hyväkseni.

Päivä 774

Olen täysin vakuuttunut että muut vangit ovat vasikoita. Koira päästetään
säännöllisesti vapaaksi mutta vaikuttaa palaavan erittäin mielellään
takaisin. Hän on aivan selvästi idiootti. Lintu taasen välittää jotain
informaatiota heille koska puhuu koko ajan heidän kanssaan. Olen varma että
hän raportoi jokaisen liikkeeni. Ja koskapa hänet on sijoitettu metalliseen
huoneeseen hänen turvallisuutensa on toistaiseksi taattu. Mutta minä voin
odottaa. Se on vain ajan kysymys..
Merkitse vuosiluvut syntymästäsi saakka ja kerro niistä jotain sinulle merkittävää:

¤ 1986=synnyin 11.11.

¤ 1987= muutin omakotitaloon

¤ 1988= minulle kasvoi ensimmäinen hiukseni:P

¤ 1989= minulle syntyi ensimmäinen pikkusisko 15.8.

¤ 1990= aloitin kerhon ja sain parhaan kaverin moneksi vuodeksi

¤ 1991= menin päiväkotiin ja sain paljon kavereita

¤ 1992= edell.

¤ 1993= menin kouluun :P

¤ 1994= sain toisen pikkusiskon 1.3.

¤1995= .....

¤1996= kymppisynttärit.., sukulaisten kesken nämä oli mun viimeiset synttärit

¤1997= aloin oikeasti olla hyvä koulussa

¤1998= löysin rock-musiikin:D

¤1999= siirryin ylä-asteelle ja sain paljon uusia kavereita, aloin löytää hevi musiikin.\../ -niin ja hups, meinasipa unohtua! Sain pikkuveljen:)

¤ 2000= edelleen koulussa

¤ 2001= hankin ekan lävistykseni kulmaan

¤ 2002=muutin Kajaaniin ekaan omaan asuntoon, opiskelin lukiossa(sain paljon uusia kavereita:)-> eka tatuointi (hankin toisen lävistyksen jonka sittemmin otin pois)

¤ 2003= muutin uuteen asuntoon siskoni kanssa, ekaa kertaa Tuskaan

¤ 2004= .....Tuskaan

¤ 2005= kirjoitin ylioppilaaksi.Tuskaan!

¤ 2006= hankin uuden lävistyksen, muutin Hellsinkiin, aloin lukea mangaa tosissani:DTuskaan!

¤ 2007= ööö. Tuskaan!

Now is it ife that makes you sad?Tiistai 10.04.2007 22:47

Nimeä jokin bändi/artisti kuhunkin kirjaimeen. Artikkeleista ei välitetä.

A Amorphis
B Bullet for my Valentine
C Cradle of Filth
D Deathstars
E Entwine
F For My Pain
G Gackt
I Iron Maiden
J Jan Wilde & Rose Avenue
K Korn
L Luca Turilli
M Melody Club
N Norther
O Omnium gatherum
P Placebo
Q Queen
R Rhapsody
S Sonata Arctica
T Tehosekoitin
U U2
V Van Halen
W Wintersun
X X-Zibit :D
Z Zen Café

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 10.04.2007 22:40



Alkumusiikki: Cradle of Filth: Better reign in Hell

Herääminen: The69Eyes: Framed in blood

Rakastuminen: Tarot: Rider of the last day

Taistelu: Teräsbetoni: Taivas lyö tulta

Riitaantuminen: Children of Bodom: You're better off dead

Sovinto: Children of Bodom: If you want peace... prepare for war

Salainen rakkaus: Melody club: Evil thing

Elämä on okei: Sentenced: Blood and tears

Pettymys: Sonata Arctica: The end of this chapter

Ajaminen: Charon: Drive

Muistot: David Lee Roth: Just like paradise

Iloinen tanssi: Powerman 2000: When the worlds collide

Unohtaminen: Sinergy: I spit on your grave

Pitkä yö yksin: The69Eyes: Graveland

Viimeinen taistelu: Eternal tears of sorrow: Angel heart, Raven heart

Kuolemakohtaus: Norther: Last breath

Lopputekstit: Sentenced: Luxury of a grave

:D Näin äkkiä mietittynä

*not bored*
Which Action Hero Would You Be?
You scored as Captain Jack Sparrow.

Roguish,quick-witted, and incredibly lucky, Jack Sparrow is a pirate who sometimes ends up being a hero, against his better judgement. Captain Jack looks out for #1, but he can be counted on (usually) to do the right thing. He has an incredibly persuasive tongue, a mind that borders on genius or insanity, and an incredible talent for getting into trouble and getting out of it. Maybe its brains, maybe its genius, or maybe its just plain luck. Or maybe a mixture of all three.

Captain Jack Sparrow

*why is the rum always gone?-Oh, that's why!*
Whose your Vampire personality?
You scored as Lestat.

You are so unashamed of who you are you frighten people. Your hot and you know it. Sometimes you can be a brat but hey gotta love ya! Your Flashy sexy style makes people sit up and notice you.


*now me happy*
Which Buffy Goodsider Are You?
You scored as Buffy.

You are Buffy! You are the slayer, you don't have the 'best' lovelife and you feel like people try to control you most of the time but in reality you know you have power they can't even begin to comprehend. Sure going out every night to kill vampires can be a drag but aside from that your a pretty well balanced person.

Which of the CSI's Main Guys are You?
You scored as Horatio Caine.

You're lieutenant like Horatio Caine, you are tough and you know it, you are respected and feared but care about those you love. But you dont take any crap and like protecting those in danger

Horatio Caine

*burn baby burn*
which killer are you like
You scored as vampire.

your a real blood sucker.


*vampires suck*
which greek god or goddess are you most like
You scored as Apollo.

You are Apollo! God of the arts, archery and divination. Son of Zeus and Titan. You love the arts as music and drama are your favourate things to do but as you can be quite shy you find it hard expressing these passions of yours.


*loves me boyfriends*
Which Quidditch person are you?(Harry Potter)
You scored as Fred and George Weasley.

Fred and George Weasley
What mideval warrior would you have been?
You scored as Native American warrior.

You are an indian who does not prefer fighting. You are silent and sneaky. You use long ranged weapons mostly. You weren't raised for fighting, but you are naturally skilled. You think of killing enemies as if stalking a deer. They are so helpless.

Native American warrior

*hehee native american boys:D*
What music instrument is right 4 u??
You scored as drums.


(kukaan ei kai olisi arvannut tätä:D)
Which Game Villain Do You Most Resemble?
You scored as Sephiroth.

You're the One-Winged Angel. You like to have Meteors crash into the Earth and you are the Greatest SOLDIER ever!


*hahhaa-me so evil!*
:: Which Bob the Builder character are you?
You scored as Scoop.

Scoop is super admiral of Bob..He enjoys a good laugh every now and then...If you're Scoop, you're probably the joker or the group you hang out with..

are you male or female???
You scored as male.

you are male

What Type of Hero/Villain Are You?You scored as Wrathful Anti-Hero.

Your enemies fear you, and the ones who don't, don't live long enough to realize their mistake. People around you do their best to try not to anger you in any way. If one of them teases you, they get the full brunt of your wrath, even if you don't mean to completely unleash on them. Your temper can get the better of you sometimes, anyone who's known you for long enough can, and will, quickly vouch for that.

Wrathful Anti-Hero

*hey i am not short tempered...*

Poor stupid mankindSunnuntai 08.04.2007 15:36

Again, here we go!:D
Star Wars-which character are you?
You scored as Anakin Skywalker.

You are Anakin Skywalker! You have many great powers, btu be careful you don't become too arrogant. You tend to break the rules a little bit too much and that may lead to your failure so be careful and may the force be with you. please rate this quiz. thanks.

Anakin Skywalker

(*mau mau mau mau-ma-mau mau-ma-mau..*)
which heroine are you most like?
You scored as Anna.

You are Anna from Van Helsing. you are brave and couragous, but you have to be to rid the world of your greatest enemy, before they rid of you. you have things in control


(Just you and me Wolverine!;D) (Can i still have my brother and Dracula too*me not greedy*)
What Mystcial Medieval race are you?!
You scored as Nymph.

You are a Nymph! A small little female creature who has overflowing beauty and lives to outwit men with her looks and slight mind control, although it often fails since everyone is aware of it.


(Who's a freakin' female creature!!!)
What Calvin & Hobbes character are you?
You scored as Calvin.

You are Calvin! You are an obnoxious little six-year-old who knows way too much to be getting Fs in school. You know how to have the best time playing, and can annoy adults to no end.


(Carita on varmaan Leevi, kun se minua aina kiusaa:P)
What CSI character are you?
You scored as Greg.

You are most like Greg Sanders! You tend to enjoy listening to music, but also know what you are doing. You are very funny, and like to set your eyes on the prize you can't get. Please rate this quiz!


What WWE hall of famer are you?\
You scored as Bret Hart.

Bret Hart

*I'm a canadian*
would you be a super hero, super hero's side kick, super villan, or super villan's side kick?
You scored as super villans side kick.

you are the super villan's side kick. you are timid yet evil and need a good long vacation

super villans side kick

(ja carita on super villan?)
which charmed character are you
You scored as piper.

your piper your married to leo and your a kick ass which


(*me gonna blow things up*)
What character from Charlie and the Chocolate Facotry are you?
You scored as Willy Wonka.

You are Willy Wonka the worlds greatest chocolet maker!

Willy Wonka
Which Discworld Character are you like
You scored as Death.

You are death! Reaper of souls! Riding your horse, Binky, with a scythe at hand. Always working, always busy… You sometimes try to socialize with the living, and ALWAYS SPEAK IN CAPITAL LETTERS.


*Et kai sinä laittanut ponia keittiöön?!* *EN. SEHÄN OLISI EPÄHYGIEENISTÄ. SE ON MAKUUHUONEESSA.*
What Popular Game Character Are You?
You scored as Mario.

You're Mario. You get the job done, and you eventually get the girl. Bowser and Warrio give you a hard time, but you somehow manage to always come out on top.


*mamma mia!*
You scored as daniel agger.

you're daniel agger, well on you're way to becoming a great defender. goal of the season candidate for that amazing strike against west ham

daniel agger
What The Matrix character are YOU?
You scored as Trinity.

You're the trinity? the one that cracked the IRS d base. That was a long time ago. Jesus. What? I thought that you were a guy. Most guys do.


*blah* hate Trinity...
What cool WWE superstar are you?
You scored as John Cena.

you're like john cena....u are like a rapper and iz hip hop kinda person

John Cena

*yo shit*
What guitarist would you be?
You scored as Emmpu Vuorinen of Nightwish.

You turned to be the best!Your guitar seems to be bewitched because it gives many people shivers of pleasure!

Emmpu Vuorinen of Nightwish

Which Buffy Villian Are You?!

You scored as Dark Willow.

You are Dark Willow! Your days of being a shy loner are long over, now that a total bastard killed your girlfriend you're out for revenge. Flaming balls of fire, ripping people's skin off telekinetically, its all a days work for you. And of course you have by far the coolest gothic fashion of all time. ROCK ON!!!

Dark Willow

*love killing geeks*
Which member of Tokyo Mew Mew are you?
You scored as Zakuro.

You are Mew Zakuro! A loner, you can be mean sometime and hurt other's feelings. You are famous, and you are also a bit selfish, but deep inside you care for others.

Horror-Scope: What Gothic Villian Are You?
You scored as Gremlin.

You are the Gremlin. You get into lots of trouble because you have a hard time sitting still for too long. You have more energy than you know what to do with and you live so much in the moment, you don't always think things out before you do them. Tomorrow, you will attempt a stunt that will backfire as so many of yours do. However, three hours later, you will try again and it will succeed beyond your expectations.

*jam jam*
What legendary weapon should you wield?
You scored as Claws.


*i will cut you*
What anime character are you?
You scored as Trunks.

You are Trunks, valiant and caring, all that matters are your friends, you become strong to protect, you and your father tend to but heads, but you show him, by launching him out to sea with your fist


*i WON'T cut my hair!* (*..yes mum..*)
WWE Are You
You scored as Shawn Michaels.

You Chose The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels

What Bad Ass Rock Legend Are you?
You scored as Billie Joe Armstrong.

You are Billie Joe Armstrong! Your a sell out fag who wears make up and bitchs about everythin! Even though Dookie does rock!

(bad ass rock legend?)
What WWE SuperStar are You? (newest WWE quiz)
You scored as Shawn Michaels.

Congrats. This is a realy honor. You scored as Shawn Michaels. He may be smaller than the rest, but he is the Show Stopper, The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels. Former Heavyweight champ, European champ, Tag Champ, and Royal Rumble winner. You are a true Legend.

Shawn Michaels

:D enemmistö voittaa!
Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You?
You scored as XV: The Devil.

Despite its fearsome appearance, The Devil is a card of weakness. It is one of the few cards in the Tarot deck that almost always has negative connotations when it occurs in a reading. When the Devil appears in a Tarot spread it can represent lack of achievement through negative thoughts. It suggests character flaws such as greed, bitterness and authoritarianism. All these things can ultimately destroy a person. The rest of the Tarot spread will determine whether or not the querent will overcome their problems or continue blindly on.

XV: The Devil

What Mythological Creature are you?

You scored as Dragon.

Dragon: Now talk about a legend. These magnificent creatures are of many species. Some can be as large as the Earth itself, while others are as small as a mouse. One image that comes to everyone's mind is the large, fire breathing Dragons that loathed humans and loved to sleep on massive piles of gold. Not all dragons have a bad reputation. Most dragons are very wise, caring, and protective. It would make a person very lucky indeed to meet a dragon. Especially if they walked away untouched. I admire your wisdom, for you are the Ancient Dragon.


Which Horror Killer are You?

You scored as Pinhead.

You are Pinhead. You come straight from hell. Your curiosity has caused you to make some mistakes in life. But you are now more powerful than you have ever been. You enjoy pain just as much as you enjoy pleasure. Unlike most killers, you like to make sure your victims suffer for all eternity.


Which WWE WRESTLER are you like?

You scored as Chris Jericho.

You're into all the colorful and trendy stuff. EXPENSIVE Jeritron 5000s and glittery pants. Screw RAP! You're a HUGE rock star! Or at least listen to it. If you look up your name in the dictionary it will read: LARGER THAN LIFE LIVING LEGEND! One problem though: You're too full of yourself at times and believe the world revolves around you. Back in the days of Galileo you would've been HUNG for such a thought! But you don't give a damn JUNIOR cause the rest of the people are all ASSCLOWNS!

Chris Jericho94%

*giggles* hupsista!:D (mitkä prosentit! no Cena oli kakkosena...!)

What Fullmetal Alchemist character are you?

You scored as Ed.

You are Edward Elric, the FullMetal Alchemist. You love your gifts and what you do, but hate it when you're told what to do with your talents, especially if it goes against your principles. You're passionate, forgiving (at times), and above all, determined to persue your dreams.


(Hahaa! And I AM NOT short!!!!)

which Gilmore Girls character are you?
You scored as Rory Gilmore.

Books, talking, coffee, your best friend, your mother. These are the most important things to you.

Rory Gilmore70%

Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is...?

You scored as Severus Snape.

Well you're a tricky one aren't you? Nobody quite has you figured out and you'd probably prefer it stayed that way. That said you are a formidable force by anyone's reckoning, but there is certainly more to you than a frosty exterior and a bitter temper.

Severus Snape80%

(Haha take that!)
What Final Fantasy character is your alter ego?
You scored as Sephiroth.

You are the nemesis of Midgar, Sephiroth! You enjoy a bit of murder and wreak terror on wherever you fancy. You believe in a world of the Ancients where your mother once dwelled and will stop at nothing to find it. You show no mercy in battle and will never feel love........


Now that's more like it!:D
What famous vampire are you most like?
You scored as Spike.

Your most like Spike!! A bit irrisponsible, but hey, your having a blast!! Party hearty, dude!


(That's me!:D)

What Harry Potter Character are you???
You scored as Voldermort.

You are absolutely evil! mwha ha ha *cough* ha ha! You're a very proud person who feels the need to be important - you even have a band of followers who will follow you to the grave!