


Her whisper is the Lucifer.

AAAAAA!!!!! FINLANDPerjantai 26.02.2010 23:33

Super junior leader Leeteuk prays and sends his cheers to ‘figure queen’ Kim Yuna for her (possible) gold medal at the Vancouver winter Olympics.

In an interview on the 23th, Leeteuk said “The only fact that the ice athlete Kim Yuna exists is already a gold medal” and “she has powers to overwhelm her competitors so if she just does what she does normally then she’ll get the gold medal”. The public support and the global media spotlight might be a burden but she should just don’t get hurt and do her best like she always does.

In 2007, Leeteuk along with Super Junior had been chosen for an uniform CF with Kim Yuna. Even if there wasn’t mutual exchanges since then the fans had cheered for Kim Yuna at that time.

“Last week-end I went to Taiwan for Asia tour and there I made researches on the internet about winter Olympics.” He said. “Among the figure skaters, I have read that the Finland Figure skater Kiira Korpi was pretty, I looked and she is indeed pretty. ” He added, laughing.

Leeteuk enumerated one by one all the South Korean publicized athletes present at the Winter gams of Vancouvert. “After Mo Taebum won the Gold Medal the interview ‘Because of the lack of attention, I made a good performance’ was the most impressive.” Leeteuk said, He also added “The speed skating athlete Lee Sung hoon saw some events changing but by all means his dream won. I want to learn that fighting spirit. “. Finally he pointed out that “Althrough he didn’t get a medal I was very impressed by the noble olympic spirit that has shown Lee Kyuhyuk”.

OMG shit! O_o

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