


Never look back,never think twice

FORT MINOR - RED TO BLACKTorstai 24.07.2008 03:24

I had a friend named Victor
The two of us used to hang every single day
And it seemed like overnight
That his whole life just changed
I know when his mom and dad broke up
It didn't make sense
But i know that his dad was a drunk
And he gambled away the rent

Pretty soon Vic was seeing red
Pissed off and instead
Hed drink every night until he passed out
And then hed do it all again
The whole time smiling on the outside
To cover the pain
But on the inside
All he was trying to do was get away

Dying to get away
Let the pain of yesterday
Go slipping through the cracks

Yo, Funny how things change color
Than fade to another shade
When you had it made it was all good
But now look just another day
It was so fresh
It was so clean
Never saw it gone
One, two, three
Lights out, which way to turn
Can't get a grip
All alone in a big white house
Every day gets worse
And you just curse until your head bursts
And it hurts so bad she left
Now you suffer
Should've thought of that one first
No family, no kids
Cant accept what you did
Now you wanna run away
But you can't
Cause the past comes back again

Slippin through the cracks
Sip a little jack
Go to bed half dead
What about rent
Why does every cent gotta be a bet
Whens it gonna end
Oh my god we dont got a penny left
My moms gotta find a way
To get a job, out of debt, out of dodge
Out of breath, out of this big problem
My pops wanna get away from the pain
In a better place in his brain
But the medication he takes
Makes him wasted
So sick he was gonna think
The good lord would come take him
I'm shaking him
Wake up you son of a bitch!

He's dying to get away
Let the pain of yesterday
Go slipping through the cracks
Hiding himself away
Watching all the memories fade away
From red to black

He's dying to get away
Let the pain of yesterday
Go slipping through the cracks
Hiding himself away
Watching all the memories fade away
From red to black

Slipping through the cracks
Slipping through the cracks
Slipping through the cracks

JESSunnuntai 13.07.2008 04:12

8.11 SLIPKNOTIN KEIKALLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 27.06.2008 05:04

Melkeen hajosin mutten kuitenkaan. Damn shit fuck perkele!

Lostprophets-4 am foreverLauantai 14.06.2008 06:26

"Yesterday I lost my closest friend
Yesterday I wanted time to end
I wonder if my heart will ever mend
I just let you slip away

4 AM forever

Maybe I'll never see you smile again
Maybe you thought that it was all pretend;
All these words that I could never say
I just let them slip away

4 AM forever

Why don't you hear me when I'm calling out to you (to you)
Why don't you listen when I try to make it through (to you)
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, you never know
Hold a little tighter

4 AM forever

Maybe one day when I can move along
Maybe someday when you can hear this song
You won't let it slip away

4 AM forever

And I'd wish the sun would never come
It's 4 AM and you are gone
I hope you know you're letting go
It's 4 AM and I'm alone

Why don't you hear me when I'm calling out to you (to you)
Why don't you listen when I try to make it through (to you)
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, you never know
Hold a little tighter

Why don't you hear me when I'm calling out to you (to you)
Why don't you listen when I try to make it through (to you)
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, you never know
Hold a little tighter

4 AM forever..."

totuus löytyy musiikista....Sunnuntai 04.05.2008 04:15


"If I stay it won't be long
Till I'm burning on the inside
If I go I can only hope
That I make it to the other side
If you want to get out alive
Run for your life
If you want to get out alive.."

"You suck up life like you're a needle
Sticking in a vein for life.."

"Plastic people like you will break
And soon enough it caught up and you went away"

"Look how pretty she is, when she falls down.
now there’s no beauty in bleeding mascara."

"Piece by piece I've built my walls
And burned the bridges down
That lead back to people like you
So full of malice, so full of scorn
You tried your best to crush my spirit
You tried to steal my soul
You pushed my back against the wall
And I broke it down
I will not be broken
Though I am the one that bleeds"

"Seems that doomsday has come early this year
The last angel has gone
I can't remember the last time I cried
The last angel has gone home"

"If you feel so filthy
So dirty so fucked up
If you feel so walked on
So painful so pissed off
You're not the only one
Refusing to go down
You're not the only one
So get up"

"Now things are coming clear
And I don't need you here
And in this world around me
I'm glad you disappeared
So I'll stay out all night
Get drunk and fuck and fight
Until the morning comes I'll
Forget about our life"

ATREYU - BLOWKeskiviikko 16.04.2008 12:58

So fuckin' blow those words out the back of your head,
I've heard it all and I'm done with that shit,
You tell me lies,
and you get what you get,
so blow those fuckin' words out the back of your head.

Oh my god did you just hear
lies are coming back in style?
Oh my god this seems so real that they find you,
and confine you

So shut your mouth, we've heard it all.
Hypocrite's and critics all
can fuck off we do this for our souls,
our souls.

What they say, won't make us go away.

So fuckin' blow those words out the back of your head,
I've heard it all and I'm done with that shit,
You tell me lies,
and you get what you get,
so blow those fuckin' words out the back of your head.

We're not sorry and we won't conform.
It's not our choice but something inborn.
If we fail followin' are hearts
can you blame us? (No, no, no)

A square peg in a black hole
We don't fit in that's the way it goes.
You should of not thought you're better than us,
no, you're not.
(No, no, no)

What they say, won't make us go away.

So fuckin' blow those words out the back of your head,
I've heard it all and I'm done with that shit,
You tell me lies,
and you get what you get,
so blow those fuckin' words out the back of your head.

So fuckin' blow those words out the back of your head,
I've heard it all and I'm done with that shit,
You tell me lies,
and you get what you get,
so blow those fuckin' words out the back of your head.
(Blow, blow, blow)
Blow those fuckin' words out the back of your head.

Tell yourself yourself you're not alone at all.
(Looking out your window, know you're all alone)
Oh, tell yourself you're not alone at all. (At all)
(Staring out your window, know you're alone)

What they say, won't make us go away.
Go away, go away, go away.

So fuckin' blow those words out the back of your head,
I've heard it all and I'm done with that shit,
You tell me lies,
and you get what you get,
so blow those fuckin' words out the back of your head.

So fuckin' blow those words out the back of your head,
I've heard it all and I'm done with that shit,
You tell me lies,
and you get what you get,
so blow those fuckin' words out the back of your head.
(Blow, blow, blow)
Blow those fuckin' words out the back of your head.
(Of your head, of your head, of your head)

ATREYU-FALLING DOWNMaanantai 07.04.2008 16:47

You're always looking back,
runnin' from the past.
You're always sweating me about the next big heart attack.
You're lookin' over your shoulder starin' down the path.
(I'm fallin' down)
Fallin' down
Fallin' down

It's in your head all the voices mistaken,
shake it off shake it off.
We're all dyin' in the end.

[Chorus x2]

I terrorize me images so horrible,
so horrible
To clear my thoughts I drill a hole into my skull
clean up my brains and sweep them underneath the rug
I need them more than I needed any other drug
I'm fallin' down
fallin' down
fallin' down

It's in your head all the voices mistaken
shake it off shake it off
we're all dyin' in the end.

[Chorus x2]

Hey, hey, hey
Come on

I'm fallin' down
fallin' down
fallin' down

It's in your head all the voices mistaken
shake it off shake it off
we're all dyin' in the end

It's in your head all the voices mistaken
shake it off shake it off
we're all dyin' in the end

Elämä on kuin yrittäi...Tiistai 18.03.2008 03:07

Elämä on kuin yrittäisit tunkea kolmion muotoista palaa neliön koloon.ei mene,ei vaikka kuinka yrität.pelkkää tappelua koko ajan ja silti häviät joka kerta

JeMaanantai 17.03.2008 04:34

Vittu aika menee taas niin saatanan nopeeta! Nyt oon ollu jo kaks viikkoo saariselällä ja toiset kaks viä jäljellä!tosiaa vaikee uskoo

ADHD? Tiistai 26.02.2008 20:32


[x]Minun on vaikea olla järjestelmällinen.
[x]Kun minulle annetaan tehtävä, viivyttelen enkä ala heti sitä tekemään.
[x]Minulla on paljon projekteja meneillään, mutta en tunnu saavan niistä montakaan valmiiksi.
[x]Teen päätöksiä ja toimin niiden mukaan impulsiivisesti- kuten rahan tuhlaaminen, seksuaaliseen suhteeseen ajautuminen jonkun kanssa, uusiin aktiviteetteihin sukeltaminen ja suunnitelmien muuttaminen.
[x]Tylsistyn helposti.
yhteensä: 5

[x]Vaikka kuinka yrittäisin, en tunnu saavuttavan tavoitteitani.
[x]Olen usein muissa maailmoissa kun ihmiset keskustelevat, vaivun omiin ajatuksiini.
[x ]Keskityn johonkin tekemääni asiaan niin intensiivisesti, että en pidä taukoa enkä pysty keskittymään mihinkään muuhun tai tekemään mitään muuta.
[x]Teen liikaa myös asioita jotka eivät ole hyväksi minulle, kuten pakkomielteinen shoppailu, liiallinen juominen, liiallinen työskentely, tai liiallinen syöminen.
[x]Turhaannun helposti ja tulen kärsimättömäksi kun asiat tapahtuvat liian hitaasti.
yhteensä: 5

[]Itsetuntoni ei ole yhtä hyvä kuin muiden tuntemieni ihmisten.
[/ ]Tarvitsen runsaasti stimulaatiota; toiminta elokuvia ja tietokonepelejä, uusia ostoksia, eläväisten ystävien seuraa, nopeaa autolla ajoa tai extreme- lajien harrastamista.
[x]Sanon tai teen usein asioita ennenkuin ehdin ajatella sen tarkemmin, ja joskus joudun vaikeuksiin sen takia.
[X]Teen asiat mieluummin omalla tavallani kuin seuraan sääntöjä tai muiden ohjeita.
[x]Huomaan usein naputtelevani kynälläni, heiluttelevani jalkojani, tai teen jotain muuta purkaakseni ylimääräistä hermostunutta energiaa.
yhteensä: 3 1/2

[]Tunnen oloni usein yhtäkkiä masentuneeksi kun olen erossa muista ihmisistä, projekteista tai asioista joiden kanssa haluan olla tekemisissä.
[x]Näen itseni eri tavalla kuin miten muut näkevät minut. Yllätyn usein kun joku suuttuu minulle, vaikka olisin itse tehnyt jotain mikä saa heidät suuttumaan.
[x]Vaikka olenkin usein huolissani vaarallisista asioista joita voisi sattua minulle, minulla on tapana olla huolimaton ja tapaturma-altis.
[ ]Vaikka minulla on paljon pelkoja, ihmiset sanoisivat minun olevan riskien ottaja.
[ x]Teen paljon huolimattomuusvirheitä.
yhteensä: 3

Yhteensä: 16 1/2

Alle 1o - keskittymis- ja tarkkaavaisuuskykysi on normaalia luokkaa
1o-15 - keskittymis- ja tarkkaavaisuuskykysi ovat hieman normaalia huonompia
Yli 15 - keskittymi-s ja tarkkaavaisuuskykysi ovat hyvin alhaiset. Saatat kärsiä ADHD:sta