Jaha, nu på lördan va man iut me kaverin, drack lite, mådd lite paha mitt i natten, annars hlt ok =) Träffa lite andra kaverin i stan å så grejja man nu lite, ås å kom man hem =)
~You are~
You are my sunshine
You are my past
You are my now
You are my future
You know this
But I had to tell you
Because if I do not
You will not know I said this
With you I always know I am safe
Without you I am lost
With you I am happy
Without you I am just half
I want to tell you this
Because you are my everything
But if you would leave me
I would die
Break into pieces
But now
With you
I am happy
I am safe
Let it be like that
Do not complain on my spelling and remember I love u all! Especially you Erikahh, soffus^^ and you ***** **** ******* <33