
Today's Poem <3Keskiviikko 04.06.2008 20:21

~The last day~

My last day
I would like to spend with you
Doing things with you
Just relax with you

But I do not think it goes that way
My last day
I will sit alone
And I will be Lonely

The last time I will still love you
But I will not know if you love me
That is what love is all about
To love and be loved

But can you explain for me
Do you love me
Or am I just something you dispossess your time with
Am I worth nothing

If it is like that
Please never talk with me again
Am I wrong
Please, tell me that

I would like to know what you think
I would like to know all of you
I would like to know everything about you
Nothing about you can change my feelings

I will be your
Forever and never
I will stay near
And never leave you

But please give that back to me
And you will see
It is worth so much more
Your forever <3

This one just miss so much fantasy, but please don't complain on that...

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