


The Marley of Muhis land

Burn iN Hell FuckasTiistai 23.05.2006 02:18

M'Fuckas thinks that they learned to Fly,But burn 'm'Fuckas Y'all deserve to die
Bad ass bitches walkin on cromes Fifty Dolla Bill wawing at home
Can't breath all the anger inside me But nigga do ya think ima gonna passby cause im happy
Think Twice Nigga Be very Wise Nigga Cause karma comes back around So betta bounce Nigga
Treat U'r Girl like a Queen Dont Hurt Her a Bit Like Flying Bee
Don't Give a Shit About Life Having Ur Friend By U'r Side Cause They Didn't Stud Up 4U
Infact They Embarrased U
Do I Give A Fuck Having Nuthead's As My Friend I Would Have Rather Killed My Self To Be In The Same Room As Ya Did
People Come Around While They Go Around
But Do i Hear Whispering And Guys Watching Her Beenie Legs

Keep Ur Friends Close And Ur Enemies Even Closer
Cause U Might Know What Real Experience iS....

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