


The Marley of Muhis land

Will u Ever<33Lauantai 09.09.2006 15:36

I don't think you will
ever fully understand
how you've touched my life
and made me who I am.

I don't think you could ever know
just how truly special you are
that even on the darkest nights
you are my brightest star.

I don't think you will ever fully comprehend
how you've made my dreams come true
or how you've opened my heart
to love and the wonders it can do

You've allowed me to experience
something very hard to find
unconditional love that exists
in my body, soul, and mind.

I don't think you could ever feel
all the love I have to give
and I'm sure you'll never realize
you've been my will to live.

You are an amazing person
and without you I don't know where I'd be.
Having you in my life
completes and fulfills every part of me

A Wish<3Keskiviikko 09.08.2006 17:57

I lie on the ground,
and stare into space,
the stars start to move,
into the shape of your face.

I see you there now,
looking down at me,
with that cute little smile,
that I like to see.

You say "close your eyes",
tell me what you see,
I see only two people,
just you and me.

We're walking the shoreline,
with our feet getting wet,
the horizon turns pink,
as the sun starts to set.

We make love through the night,
on that white sandy shore,
then I hold you while thinking,
I could want nothing more.

Oh I wish I could be,
in that one special place,
as I lie on the ground,
and I stare into space...

Mysterious Girl<3Sunnuntai 25.06.2006 21:34

I Wanted To Tell You,
In Words Of My Own
You're The Most Precious Person,
That I've Ever Known.

You're The Prettiest Girl,
Than Any I've Seen
Your Body Is Flawless,
So Slender And Lean.

Your Eyes Have That Sparkle,
That I Can't Live Without
One Day Without Them,
And I'd Die There's No Doubt.

And I Just Lose Control,
When I Glance At Your Hair
Those Curls Are Just Stunning,
So Perfect And Rare.

You're The Most Caring Person,
That I've Ever Met
There's No One Like You,
And That I Can Bet.

What Attracts Me The Most,
Is Your Sweet And Kind Touch
You're A Gift Sent From Heaven,
And I Love You So Much.

So Hold Me As Close,
As You Possibly Can
'Cause Now And Forever,
I Am Your Man.

15.6 </3 ENGLANTIINKeskiviikko 14.06.2006 17:38

Noh huomenna nähtävästi se lähtö onkin:S shiit tulee ikävä kaikkii mun kavereit
tulee kyll olemaan tylsää koko loman enkus ilman mun kavereit jotka on tääll

Mä haluun kyll kiittää kaikkii mun kavereit jotka on ain jaksanu kuunella mua mun läppää;D

Carlos,Awismunkilon homie;) Daurja,Crista,Sandi,Sani,Himppe,Marina,Nana<3 Ana banana
Shirwa änkyttäjä Chao lyhyt kääpiö tanh ja phong mun vinosilmät<3 marwan habibi ahmed salarakas;) Senja bigmac,Jenni,Dalia<3 Jon... masokisti nermina<33 Gessu mun papu<3 mun intia rakas umar.karvapallo ramin<33 ja iitu BIGASS<333 ja mun rakas ERIK<3 ja mun hanibani julie<33333 Rakas piitu ja metu<33

on ehk joitan ihmisii ketä en oo maininnu oon vaa unohtanu kertokaa ihmees<33

At last,vittu oon venannu niiiiiiiiiiin kauan et prkl peruskoulu loppuu huhh huhh:D
maikkoi en enää kestäny joitain oppilait en kestäny ja vittu KOULUU en enää kestäny
nyt se on fuckin finally over ja -_kuittaan-_


Burn iN Hell FuckasTiistai 23.05.2006 02:18

M'Fuckas thinks that they learned to Fly,But burn 'm'Fuckas Y'all deserve to die
Bad ass bitches walkin on cromes Fifty Dolla Bill wawing at home
Can't breath all the anger inside me But nigga do ya think ima gonna passby cause im happy
Think Twice Nigga Be very Wise Nigga Cause karma comes back around So betta bounce Nigga
Treat U'r Girl like a Queen Dont Hurt Her a Bit Like Flying Bee
Don't Give a Shit About Life Having Ur Friend By U'r Side Cause They Didn't Stud Up 4U
Infact They Embarrased U
Do I Give A Fuck Having Nuthead's As My Friend I Would Have Rather Killed My Self To Be In The Same Room As Ya Did
People Come Around While They Go Around
But Do i Hear Whispering And Guys Watching Her Beenie Legs

Keep Ur Friends Close And Ur Enemies Even Closer
Cause U Might Know What Real Experience iS....
In the past everybody makes mistakes even girl with pure shine can be cheated on her neck
Guys going to pump out therselves in the gym but don't realize the ego is pumpin aswell
There are ex-Girl/Boyfriends u cant get over with as how much to try to forget
Allways come's and hunt u down like a predator cause believe me
feelings can knock u down cause u may have not forget ur ex
No matter what they done.
Geez not jesus please help me is there any pieces left of the heartplay
Pieces after Pieces Tears after Tears is it really meant to be to be doomed like this way
There r people who hate u, people who worshipe's u, people who r dying to meet u
But for the last time hear those baby's cry
Fellas betta hear me like u wanna Grumbe Some people r happy when they found their
beloved one am i gonna be miserable or die alone?
r u gonna smile along with me
Thats a question dont be needed to answer......

<33Sunnuntai 21.05.2006 02:17

01. Kuka olet?
02. Olemmeko ystäviä?
03. Koska ja miten tapasimme?
04. Oletko ihastunut minuun?
05. Pussaisitko minua?
06. Anna minulle lempinimi, ja kerro miksi valitsit juuri sen?
07. Kuvaile minua yhdellä sanalla
08. Mikä oli ensivaikutelmasi minusta?
09. Oletko edelleen samaa mieltä?
10. Mikä muistuttaa sinua minusta?
11. Jos voisit antaa minulle mitä tahansa, mitä se olisi?
12. Miten hyvin tunnet minut?
13. Koska näimme viimeksi?
14. Halusitko joskus kertoa minulle jotain, mitä et ole pystynyt kertomaan?
15. Aioitko pistää tämän blogiisi ja katsoa, mitä minä kertoisin sinusta?

15th Of June...</3Sunnuntai 14.05.2006 18:12

ill be off to england...
Koko kesälomaks kelatkaa ny,mutsi just äskö tuli sanomaan et se varas jo lentoliput englantii:S OLLAA SIEL KOKO KESÄLOMAN:S goodaamn kesä 06 jää multa elämätt suomes.
Mut ill Bouncin in england.. Tulee kyll Pirun ikävä teit kaikkii
Closest friends and not that close friends mut silti ainaski tulee ikävä<333

Kesä 06<333333 Parasta aikaa(ei mulle);D:D

I don't think all of you will
ever fully understand
how ya'all touched my life
and made me who I am.

I don't think ya'all could ever know
just how truly special ya'all are
that even on the darkest nights
ya'all are my brightest star.

All Of bestes of bestest Friends mean's a lot to me<3333