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[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 12.11.2006 02:34

-I'm happy.
-I don't care what happens tomorrow.
-Let me hold you, Iwaki-San.
-All right.

-Hey, you can't do this. You don't have time...

-It's true.
-I have to go train this good-for-nothing underclassman.

-You'll understand if you try, Mizuki...
-H-He is good...

-A rehearsal for just the two of us.

-Because it looked yummy.
-Everything on you looks yummy...
-And here...
-It's already...

-An assertive Iwaki-San. It's great.

-What should I do?
-Inside...come inside.

-Oh, I just woke up.
-How about you, Mizuki?
-Don't make light of the corporate salesman's strenght.
-But your suit and tie are the same as yesterday.
-I have to go get my things...
-I feel troublesome.

-I was a little pissed off when I saw you holding that kid.
-Iwaki-San, you were so gentle to him.
-And you've never even treated me like that.

-But I gathered all my courage and approached you.
-That's not how it looked to me!
-But how was I supposed to act... at a time like that?

-I haven't paid my rent, yet.
-A pleasure that is out of this world...

-And you've never even treated me like that.
-No help for it. It's really cute, Iwaki-San.
-I don't know why this guy is being so persistent with me.

-Am I no good? Does he only like girls?

-I didn't expect that...
-Is that all?

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