


I'm outta here!

Riven - IIILauantai 13.12.2008 13:32

A trap!? Either that or the dumbest transit system I've ever seen! I was studying the second island, when I came upon a forest edge (several large trees had been apparently axed down) and discovered a pit or a tunnel entrance. As I entered, I discovered a switch... I pushed the switch... After that, the mining cart I had been standing on (how did I get THERE!?) began to move at accelerating speeds, diving underwater (some kind of glass tube underwater? Glowing orange hoops lining the tube could also hint to a force field?) and finally stopping on yet another island, where the mining cart's bottom opened, dropping me down some kind of chute. I'll have to look more carefully from now on, this place seems kind of dangerous!

Riven - IIPerjantai 12.12.2008 23:34

After a short, and I must admit: baffling stroll around the island Atrus's book stranded me on, I must admit I am amazed. The island is, in its own desolate (and Myst'ish) way: beatuiful! Stairs carved in stone, leading to caverns in the mountainside, in turn containing strange and intriguing devices.

I have to admit that the two, no: three devices I have discovered here have left me with more questions than answers:

The spinning room of scarabs: I believe the story told by the mosaic's inside the scarabs tells of the world's creation by Ghen. The entire room can be spinned in 120 degree turns from the outside, leading me to believe that if the room is left in a certain specific position, it can be accessed again from a different location: for what purpose, I cannot say.

The metal cone outside the prison cell: The cone seems to contain something, a pale liquid of sorts. A switch next to it did absolutely nothing, and the lid below it is locked. I dont know the combination to the lock yet...

Lastly, there is the ball-chair. I can operate the chair, but cannot figure out its purpose. It's only control seems to... alter(?) the sounds around me, muffling the hum of the caverns into silence, which then fades away.

Fortunately, i have also found a much simpler mechanism which will be of much use: a transit system! The several islands comprising this age appear to be interconnected with a sort of rail-transit system. I have just operated it for the first time, and am about to study island #2.

(Thought to self: when I called for the transport, it was at the other end of the rail. Maybe the people I saw when I arrived in this age used the rails to leave the island, explaining why I didn't see them?)

Riven - The fifth age by TomitheusPerjantai 12.12.2008 22:16

Day one - Riven

I arrive, after being hurriedly briefed by Atrus, to Riven, where it is my task to imprison his father, going by the name of Ghen, and to save his wife: Cathryn. I know not what drives me to aid him... perhaps the fact that he has suffered so? His own sons imprisoning him, his father misusing the powers their family posesses? In any case, I have taken it upon myself to aid Atrus for now. The fact also stands, that Atrus seems to be the only person capable, or willing, to help me return home...

The arrival on Riven, though, was not quite what I expected after seeing Myst. Atrus told me there were inhabitants here, so I expected to meet people, but to be trapped AND mugged on arrival!? The prison book Atrus gave me to serve as mean of imprisoning his father has been taken from my posession, and I have seen two strange figures: one clad in a white uniform, the one that stole the prison book and was then... killed? Tranquilized? And the strangely masked and dressed person, who dragged the body away and released me, before disappearing altogether, ignoring my pleas for help. I shall begin to study this place now. I can hear the wind, and the area seems to be full of devices and structures to study. Perhaps I can find someone who could hint me about the whereabouts of Ghen and Catherine?

****lauta!!!Keskiviikko 29.10.2008 21:03

Koko viikko ollut töissä helvetin stressaavaa ja kiireista (joskin opettavaista) aikaa. Tänään, tunnin ylitöitä tehneenä palasin kotiin, väsyneenä, nälkäisenä ja vittuuntuneena. Ja mitenkäs tämä rakas yksiöni päättää toivottaa minut tervetulleeksi?


Olohuoneen kattolamppu käräyttää KAIKKI kolme lamppuaan samaan aikaan! Se siitä hyvän kirjan kanssa rentoutumisesta sitten, saatana!


Muutoksen tuuletTorstai 04.09.2008 18:21

Toyota on myyty! En olisi uskonut, mutta joku muu näki siinä potentiaalia jota en itse havainnut. (Ehkä halusivat hankkia erikoisen ekvaarion, kuka tietää?)

Olen nyt Peugööt 406:n onnellinen omistaja! Ja korviani myöten veloissa! Kuvia myöhemmin!

Sweet princess - The fishbowlMaanantai 01.09.2008 19:15

Toyota on vielä vanhoilla päivillään oppinut temppujakin! Se leikkii olevansa akvaario!

Vaikka takajalkatilassa onkin vain noin kolme senttimetriä syvyyttä, niin kyllä siellä joku pikkufisu voisi elää! Hyvähyvä!

(Jossain taka-alalla ruostereiskain kuoro laulaa "paaaaliiiiin! PaaaaaAAAAaaaaliiiiin!")

Rest in peace sweet princessMaanantai 18.08.2008 13:31

Toyota Corollani on nyt kuollut. Virallisesti se laskettaneen haudan lepoon kuukauden sisään, samassa ajassa löytyy toivottavasti korvaaja, joka täyttää Corollan jättämän aukon sydämessäni.

Olit arvokas kumppani
Ilo monen vauhdikkaan iltani
Nyt muistoon kuitenkin aika tuo poistuu
Auto rakas paalina jossain ruostuu

Rest in paali!

(PS: Isääni lainaten: "Vihaan asioita jotka eivät toimi!")

Oma domain on poikaa!Perjantai 01.08.2008 02:02

Ostin itselleni domainin ja web-hotellin, ja nyt on taas pystyssä omat pienet kotisivut!

Käykää ihmeessä katsomassa!

Tästä on hyvä rakennella, laajentaa ja parannella tulevaisuudessa.

PuuhamaaTorstai 17.07.2008 16:37

Kaiken kiireen keskellä on hyvästä osata vähän rentoutua välillä!

Ohjelmassa seuraavaa: 2.8.2008, Pikku-Tomi lähtee kavereidensa kanssa PUUHAMAAHAN!

YAAAAY!!! ^____^

*suorittaa riemutanssin*
Status report:
Income: 1250 € per month
Money needing to be used next month: approx. 1800€

Uusi asunto, sen kunnossa pitäminen, eläminen, laskujen maksaminen... perseestä kaikki!

Ensi kuulle on arviolta vajaat 500€ persnettoa luvassa, ellei ihmettä tapahdu. Alkaa kuulkaaa hiki pukkaamaan otsalle tällä menolla!

WHAMTHEMAN, Over and out!