


I'm outta here!
Poika jonka yli käveltiin, hän ei enää itke
poika joka kulki yksinään
Tahtoi tulla järkäleeksi, hiekanjyväin joukkoon
vuoreksi lakeuksien lomaan
Katson sinun kasvojasi jotta voisin todistaa,
voimaton on todistaja, kieli hiljainen
Sanat soivat kalloissamme leukaluiden narinana
sanat soivat korvissamme paholaisen nauruna

Terästä on jää ja rautaa kohmettuneet kasvot
jotka alleen piilottavat murheellisen tyhjän elämän
Loputtomat matkat jotka kulkee jotain tunteakseen
kysymykset joihin mitä sanottavaa elämällä
mitä tällä elämällä on?

CMX - Olet tässä

The world is going insane... Torstai 26.04.2007 00:34

Funny things lately...

For ten years, whenever I meet people they look away and try not to see me. I'm happy!

Now... for the last week or so... People are always looking at me... AND SMILING! People I've never met before are walking up to me and speaking to me! "Hello! How are you?" What the hell!?

One of my neighbours, I've seen her around for about ten years and she's never EVER spoken to me. Today she smiled at me and said "hello".

The whole world is smiling at me and saying hello!

Maybe the world is going insane... maybe... maybe I'm going insane! hee... heehee! HEHEHEHEHEEEE!!!

"Hello! How are you?"
"how are you?"


sceptrum meus veneratio Tiistai 24.04.2007 17:02

Meus veneratio est meus vita. In dies ego relinquo meus veneratio ego intereo vallo meus veneratio!

Totus illud vacuus veneratio es ut exsisto iuguolo!

(Rough latin translations)

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 22.03.2007 16:27

Noli manere, manere in memoria.
Noli manere, manere in memoria.

Sephiroth, Sephiroth.

Saevam iram, iram et dolorem.
Saevam iram, iram et dolorem.

Sephiroth, Sephiroth.

Ferum terrible, ferum fatum.

Noli manere, manere in memoria.
Noli manere, manere in memoria.

Sephiroth, Sephiroth.

Veni, mi fili. Veni, mi fili.
Hic veni, da mihi mortem iterum.
Veni, mi fili. Veni, mi fili.
Hic veni, da mihi...

Noli manere in memoria.
Saevam iram et dolorem.
Ferum terrible fatum.
Ille iterum veniet.

Mi fili, veni, veni, veni, mi fili.

Mi fili, veni, veni, veni, mi fili.
(Qui mortem invitavis,)
Mi fili, veni, veni, veni, mi fili.
(Poena funesta natus,)
Mi fili, veni, veni, veni, mi fili.
(Noli nomen vocare.)

Mi fili, veni, veni, veni, mi fili.
(Ille iterum veniet.)

Sephiroth, Sephiroth.

WarhammerMaanantai 22.05.2006 01:24

Kuten kirjoitushetken oletuskuvasta on pääteltävissä, olen innostunut keräämään Warhammer 40000 figuureita ja PAHASTI. Rahaa paloi alkuun n 80€ ja seuraavalla kerralla parin kuukauden sisään menee varmaan yli 100€. MUTTA ON NE HIANOJA!

JoopajooMaanantai 17.04.2006 21:37

Mulla on sitten oltava paskin mäihä IKINÄ! Koneestani rävähti tuuletin paskaksi, ja lentelevät tuulettimenpalaset ovat ilmeisesti vaurioittaneet emolevyä. Pirun kiva juttu! Vastahan tuo vehje oli vajaa kaks kuukautta sitten viimeks huollossa pari viikkoa... prkl...

Day fiveSunnuntai 02.04.2006 18:46

I have made it! I've gotten to dungeon level 28! It's my personal record! Although I have had some hardships (a wawter nymph stole ALL my money AND my blessed +4 quarterstaff, my kitten died, the gods punished me with an iron ball chained to my leg (that is still there, but I'll manage)) But I'm still standing, and all of the monsters down here are falling at my feet. I think I'll make it this time! I'll get the amulet of yendor and... *thud* "A trapdoor opens in the ceiling and a boulder drops on your head, your +2 wizard hat does not prtect you. You die..."
FUCK!!! why me!? WHY, OH, WHY!? I was doing so good! AAAARGH!!! This game sucks! I'll never play it agin! NEVER!!!

*ten minutes later*
"Hello WHAM, welcome to NetHack."

Day fourLauantai 01.04.2006 13:56

Okay, I barely survived the snake hordes. Now I'm all out of healing potions! I enter Dungeon level 8. This place is REALLY starting to repeat itself. Nothing new at all. In one of the rooms I enter, I find a sink. Well, at lesat there shouldn't be snakes in a sink! I drink some warm water from the sink and... oh! I find a ring here! It's got a diamond on it! WOW! I put on the ring and... FUCK! Its cursed! And I've got NO remove curse scrolls on me! Well... Only one way to get rid of it (A bloody -3 ring of conflict), and thats to pray. As I pray to thoth, I hear the sound of distant thunder. A blinding flash of light emerges from nowhere and... umm... shit... I've got a steel ball chained on my leg. Damn...

Day threePerjantai 31.03.2006 14:34

Okay, I have survived the gnomish mines, and have made my way to level 7. My cat died as a goblin threw a cream pie into its face, it was blinded and it fell into a pit. I think I heard thunder... weird... Okay, so now I'm really thirsty, so Iäm just gonna take a sip from that fountain over there. *sip* WTF!? Some thirteen water moccasines (Big ass snakes) just emerged from the water and... and... MAGIC MISSILE!!!

Day twoTorstai 30.03.2006 17:33

I am now on dungeon level three, I can hear crashing rock. I walk through the grid bug infested corridors and see a door. It is locked... At firs I kick the door, making a cool sound, but my wizard-legs are not too good for kicking. I ZAP the door with force bolt, and it crashes to pieces.
"Holy shit!" Behind the door is an extremely pissed off shopkeeper, that stats zapping random wands at me. With my loyal cat, I make my exit to dungeon level four.
As i try to catch my breath next to the stairs, I realize a very nasty looking gnome looking angrily at me. I guess this is the gnomish mines then... I'll write more when i get rid of these damn... HEY GIMME MY WAND BACK YOU STUPID... NO DONT!!!