


Bah! I'm too old for this shit...

I Come Too Fast Lyrics by Jon LajoieSunnuntai 19.07.2009 21:02

I can run a hundred miles without stopping for rest.
I can stay under water for 5 minutes on a single breath.
When I focus my mind I always reach my goal,
but thereÂ’s one thing I cannot controlÂ…

I come too fastÂ…
I come too fastÂ…
A couple strokes and my erection is a thing of the past.

I come too fastÂ…
I come too fastÂ…
Sometimes itÂ’s even game over before I take off my pants.

IÂ’ve read all the articles and IÂ’ve tried every trick.
Thinking of sports or of naked Cathy Bates in About Schmidt.
If the girlÂ’s on top sometimes IÂ’ll last a minute or two,
but if we doggy-style oh man IÂ’m screwedÂ…

I come too fastÂ…
I come too fastÂ…
I carry a spare pair of underwear in case a girl sits on my lap.

I come too fastÂ…
I come too fastÂ…
I swear IÂ’ll even shoot my load if a fly lands on my shaft.

Ooohh. Damnit.

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