


kun pää käskee juosta, minä kipitän.... muutaman metrin

Love for the past~~ For to Nora-Saiyahime~~ Keskiviikko 01.11.2006 10:50

~Journey to the real love~

Heart, don't fail me now!
Courage, don't desert me!
Don't turn back, I know that we're here
People always say
Love is full of choices
No one ever told it might be bad
Or how relationship can steep like this
How the world can seem so darn
Courage see me through
Noora I'm trusting you
On this the real love

Somewhere over the land
I know that she's waiting
fights of dears just can't be wrong
My arms will open wide
you'll be safe and I wanted
Fin'lly home where I belong
We'll standing alone on the slope
Fighting now, I'm learning fast
My soul see me through
Heart I'm trusting you
On this journey...We can die fast

Noora don't fail me now!
Kyoko don't desert me!

Home, Love, Family
There was once a time
when Gokus had us too
Home, Love, Family
I will never be complete
Until I feel you...

One hope, then another
Then fights makes them fools
Who knows where this road may go
Back to who I was
to find my dark full mind,
Love my heart still needs to know
No, only rings won't make it !
Let this mind be mine!
Let it lead me to my past
Courage see me through
NOORA I'm trusting you
To bring me home...
At last!
At last!
Wanna be in your side
But in your past I can't be same

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