Ihminen pelkää näyttää tunteensa, ainakin jotkut.
Sitä miettii et jos ei näytä tunteitaan toista kohtaan, voi menettää jotain mitä haluaisi, eikä saisi toista mahdolisuutta enää osottaa tunteitaan sille eräälle.
Liian monesti itekkin huomannut moisen asian itsessäni ja muissa, eipä sitä juuri kannata miettiä et vihaaks toi mua jos kusen koko jutun ehkä se vaan arvostaa sitä et uskaltaa kysyä.
Itse koitan mahdollisiman paljon ymmärtää ihmisiä, nähdä asiat niiden näkökulmista.
Hakeeko sitä ihminen kumpanikseen vastakohtaa vai itseään muistuttavaa kumppania, siihen on nii monta vastausta et vaikea sanoa, ehkä sellanen sekotus omaa itseään ja vastakohtaa olis lähellä totuutta, vaikea sanoa.
Ihmisten elämät on loppujen lopuks nii mielenkiintosia, tavat joilla ajatelemme asioita poikkeavat muista, tavat joilla näytämme tunteemme, tavat joilla vihaamme ja rakastamme.
Kaikki tuo on niin yksilöllistä, ettei voi moista arkistoida mihinkään, ehkä siksi ne ovatkin kiinostavia.
Löytää joku melkein samanlainen ja huomata silti kuinka paljon eroja on, keskutella asioista ja huomata uusia näkökulmia, huomata miten toinen reakoi asioihin ja miettiä miks näin? =D
Ihmisten elämä kuitenkin perustuu valintoihin, joita meillä aina on, siitäpä se meidän oma polkumme sitten rakentuukin, en sano että joku pakottaa tekemään valinnat mut yleensä ajatellen meillä on se mahdollisuus.
Ehkä pelkkää hölönpölöä tämä mitä kirjotan mut enpä mene sitä muuttamaan koska se on osa mun maailmaani.
Meat Loaf - I would do anything for love <3 (jotai nii parasta)
"And I would do anything for love,
I'd run right into hell and back,
I would do anything for love,
I'll never lie to you and thats a fact.
But I'll never forget the way you feel right now
- Oh no - no way - I would do anything for love,
But I wont do that, I wont do that,
Some days it don't come easy,
Some days it don't come hard
Some days it don't come at all,
And these are the days that never end.
Some nights you breath fire,
Some nights your carved in ice,
Some nights your like nothing I've ever seen before, Or will again.
Maybe I'm crazy, But it's crazy and it's true,
I know you can save me, No one else can save me now but you.
As long as the planets are turning,
As long as the stars are burning,
As long as your dreams are coming true - You better believe it!-
I would do anything for love!
I would do anything for love,
I would do anything for love,
But I wont do that, I wont do that...
I would do anything for love,
Anything you've been dreaming of,
But I just wont do that...
Some days I pray for Silence,
Some days I pray for Soul,
Some days I just pray to the God of Sex and Drums and Rock 'N' Roll.
Some nights I lose the feeling,
Some nights I lose control,
Some nights I just lose it all when I watch you dance and the thunder rolls.
Maybe I'm lonely, And thats all I'm qualified to be,
There's just one and only, The one and only promise I can keep.
As long as the wheels are turning,
As long as the fires are burning,
As long as your prayers are coming true - You better believe it -!
That I would do anything for love!
And you know it's true and thats a fact,
I would do anything for love!
And there'll never be no turning back -
But I'll never do it better than I do it with you,
So long - So long - I would do anything for love,
I would do anything for love,
I would do anything for love,
I would do anything for love,
But I wont do that, I wont do that!
I would do anything for love,
Anything you've been dreaming of,
But I just wont do that...
But I'll never stop dreaming of you
Everynight of my life - No Way -
I would do anything for love,
I would do anything for love,
I would do anything for love,
But I wont do that, I wont do that!
Will you raise me up?
Will you help me down?
Will you help get me right out of this God forsaken town?
Will you make it a little less cold?
I can do that!
I can do that!
Will you hold me sacred?
will you hold me tight?
Can you colorize my life I'm so sick of black and white?
Can you make it a little less old?
I can do that!
I can do that!
Will you make me some magic, with your own two hands?
Can you build an Emerald city with these grains of sand?
Can you give me something that I can take home?
I can do that!
I can do that!
Will you cater to every fantasy that I've got?
Will ya hose me down with holy water - if I get too hot - ?
Will you take me to places that I've never known?
I can do that!
I can do that!
Afert a while you'll forget everything,
It was a brief interlude, And a midsummer night's fling,
And you'll see that it's time to move on.
I won't do that!
I won't do that!
I know the territory - I've been around,
It'll all turn to dust and we'll all fall down,
And sooner or later you'll be screwing around.
I won't do that!
I won't do that!
Anything for love, I would do anything for love,
I would do anything for love,
But I won't do that, I won't do that."