
Selaa blogimerkintöjä

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 30.03.2006 00:02

I have a problem that I can not explain
I have no reason why it should've been so plain
I have no questions but i sure have excuse
I lack the reasons why should I be so confused

I know, how I feel when i'm around you
I don't know, how I feel when i'm around you
Around you

Left a message, but it ain't a bit of use
I have some pictures, but what might be the deuce
Today you saw, you saw me, you explained
playing the show when running down the plane

I know, how I feel when I'm around you
I don't know, how I feel when i'm around you
I, I know, how I feel when i'm around you
I, don't know, how i feel when i'm around you
Around you

I, I know, how I feel when i'm around you
I, don't know, how I feel when i'm around you
I, I know, how I feel when I'm around you
I, don't know, how I feel when I'm around you...

Around you
Around you
Around you
Around you...

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