


Immortal - truest of the true

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Haha! Loistokasta!Torstai 30.11.2006 16:03

(joka ei ymmärrä vitsiä, ei ymmärrä vitsiä ;)

Top 10 ways to know you've been playing to much Nethack:

10. You spend all night turning on and off the faucet in your sink hoping to find a ring.

9. You go to a store and insist on standing on top of the merchandise before letting the owner tell you how much it is.

8. Everywhere you go, you grab as much food as you can hold and carry it around with you for later.

7. You are an accomplished musician, but refuse to play anything but five notes at a time, then you stop and listen for clicks.

6. You don't pick up anything you find on the street without dipping it in holy water first.

5. You throw out any mail the mailman brings you because you know it only says one of three things you've read before.

4. You are banned from your local church for sacrificing jackals on the altar.

3. You are banned from your local museum for taking a pick ax to all the statues... they didn't buy your "looking for spellbooks" excuse.

2. You always carry a dead lizard around in your pocket 'just in case'.

And the number 1 way to know you've been playing too much Nethack:

1. Whenever you look at someone's email address, you think "Oh my God! I'm surrounded!"

The number double plus one reason I know I play too much nethack is how hard I laughed when I read this. I'm not even going to try to explain it to my family.

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