Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
someone to love and someone who loves me baCK,lauren here ,frankers alive,SANDRA ALIVE
Name Four Scents You Love:
Name Four Things You Did Today:
What is your current relationship status?
What is your sexual orientation? STRAIGHT
What sort of people do you like, as far as what their interests are in life? HONEST CARING PEOPLE
What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest? VARIES
What kind of fashion-sense attracts you? CLEAN
What kind of hair style do you find attractive on a potential mate? FADE
What is the usual age range you look at? MY AGE OR OLDER
What traits turn you off? CHEATING
Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly? MONOGOMOUS ITS A SHAME SO FEW PEOPLE HAVE GOOD MORALS LIKE THAT LEFT
Are you afraid to ask people out on dates?
If you're single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship?
What are the positive points about being single?
What are the negative points about being single?
When single, do you often find yourself longing for companionship?
How well do you handle rejection?
Do you miss your last sweetie?
Do you think it's better to look for love or let it find you?
What's the longest relationship you've ever been in?
The shortest?
Do you think couples should spend a very large amount of time together or space things out a tad?
Have you ever found yourself worrying about commitment?
When involved with a person, do you try to think about the here and now or do you often think of the future? BOTH
How do you prefer to handle disagreements? NO COMMENT
How do you feel when your mate is mad at you and won't tell you why? NOT GOOD
Do you have a crush right now? Do they know? NOPE
What's the longest period of time you've ever had a crush? I DUNNO
Have you ever confessed your feelings to a crush? YES
Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? NO
Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you? YES
How do you feel about long-distance relationships? IT WORKS
Have you ever pined for someone when you're not around them? YES RT NOW
Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? YES
What would you do if you got pregnant while in a relationship? UMM
Would you get involved with someone if they were previously married? YES
How big of an issue is religion to your compatibility? A LOT
How big of an issue to you is your mate's ethnicity? NONE
In a potential mate, how important is intelligence to you? .KINDA
In a potential mate, how important is a sense of humor to you? VERY
What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face? J DOES UNFORTUANLTY BUT IM GONAN TRY TO CHANGE THAT
What was your first kiss like? SLOPPY
What part of a person's body do you find most attractive? SMILE OR STOMACH
What's the first thing you look at when you look at someone you're attracted to? EYES
How important are the looks of a mate's face to you? EYES SMILE
How important are the looks of a mate's body to you? A LIL
When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other? OTHER
Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren't seriously involved with? YEAH , IT LED TO SOMETHING BUT IT DIDNT WORK OUT CUZ HE SEEMS TO DO THAT WITH EVERYONE
Were you single at the time? YUH
What are your ticklish areas? NO COMMENT
What do you most like about making out? THE CLOSENESS
Are you a virgin? NO
If not, would you consider your first time to have been a good one? NO
How old were you when you lost your virginity?
Have you ever had sex with someone you loved? YES WELL I THOUGHT I DID I DONT KNOW WHAT LOVE IS ANYMORE
Have you ever turned down an offer for sex? YES
How much do you think sex changes a relationship? A LOT
On a scale from 1 to 10 [10 being the highest] how would you rate your sexual attractiveness? 8
On a scale from 1 to 10 [10 being highest]
How do you feel about casual sex? 1
Would you stay with a lover if the love stopped but the sex was still enjoyable? NO
Would you stay with a lover if the sex stopped/got boring but there was still love?
Do you believe in love? I USED TO
Do you believe in love at first sight? I DUNNO
Has someone ever told you they loved you? YES
Have you ever told someone you loved them and meant it? YES
Have you ever told someone you loved them and not meant it? NO
Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? MONOGOMOUS
Have you ever been married? NO
How do you feel about marriage? SACRED AND IMORTANT
If you're currently not married, do you foresee yourself ever tying the knot? YES
Do you plan on having children someday? YES 3
Have you ever had your heart broken? YES AT THE MOMENT
Have you ever been dumped? NO
Have you ever dumped someone? YES
Have you ever mutually broken up with someone? NO
Has a romantic companion ever made you cry? YES AT THE MOMENT
Have you ever made a romantic companion cry? NOPE THE NEVER CARED ENOUGH TO CRY
Have you ever had an emotional pain so bad it made you sick or physically hurt?RT NOW
Have you ever been unfaithful? NO ITS WRONG
Have you ever been cheated on? YEAH THE STORY OF MTY LIFE
Have you ever learned an important lesson as a result of a break up? YEAH NOT TO BE PLAYED A FOOL
Have you ever gotten back together with someone after breaking up? YES
Did it work? NO
Do you believe there's hope for people after they get back together or do you think the same problems that caused the initial break up will resurface? IF THE PERSON CHANGES
Have you ever broken up with someone and remained friends afterward? NO NOT POSSIBLE
Have you ever broken up with someone and become bitter enemies? YES
If so, did you ever made amends? NOPE
Have you ever broken up with someone and lost touch? NOPE
Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication? YES
Were you afraid to do so?YES
Do you ever check up on old flames without actually contacting them? NO
If you've ever lost touch or went sour with someone you loved, how did it make you feel? ID IMAGINE IT FEELS HORRIBLE BUT IT DEPENDS ON THE SITUTATUON
Have you ever longed to get back together with someone? YES