...He turns around, to see Heechul dragging Henry with him. Henry seemed nice on the night they had met, stumbling over Korean like a new born foal stumbling over his own hooves. It was endearing in a ‘ha, you totally just said something rude by accident’ way.
“Rub his cheeks.” Heechul says when they come to a stop in front of Donghae, and Henry blushes and frowns and Donghae blinks, because. Well. What?
“What?” Henry is trying to escape Heechul’s bony fingers, but Heechul looks like someone who could break your kneecap with those bony fingers, so Donghae doesn’t think Henry’s got a snowball’s chance in hell in getting away.
“Rub his cheeks. It’s good luck.” And Donghae likes good luck, so he does.
..............................fikkien kirjottajat <33<3<33<34sasd45tgsujflkf