Míša: bude hrát na Skřítka Hajáska :-P A doufá, že vyhraje:D
Jenna: si vyhrál? :D
Míša: Do you know what does it mean?:)) And yes, VYHRÁLA JSEM :D:D:D
Jenna: maybe :D oh, blahopřejeme!
Míša: VYHRÁLA JSI? is DID YOU WIN (female)?:) For man is VYHRÁL JSI (without terminal A)... And thank you:))) I like you, you are awesome!:D
Jenna: oh sorryyyy, you really aren't man :( i like you too :) these he/she and vyhrál/vyhrála are really hard for me :F because in finnish it is more simple :D i think... because he/she = hän, it's the same. but anyway, wuhuu, now im smarter than a moment ago! :))
Míša: I know, it´s very hard:) But it´s fantastic, what do you do:D How do you read HÄN? Similar as in German? How can I say: I LIKE YOU, I LOVE YOU, YOU ARE NICE?:) I know only SUOMI, but don´t know how to tell it:))
Jenna: omg this system didn't tell me that you put a new message to this :( you can read it just like i wrote it :D im not sure is it like that in germany too. do you want that i tell you how you can say these phrases in finnish? :F i understand its like this. So: I like you = Minä pidän sinusta, I love you = Minä rakastan sinua, You are nice = Sinä olet kiva :) tell me if you mean something else :D
Míša: Yay:) Thanks:) But this sign "¨" means something, doesn´t it? English isn´t said as written, you don´t tell NICE as N I C E :) So MINÄ is said M I N A?:)
Jenna: oh yes, "¨" that is like AE, i mean Ä = AE :D do you know ae...? "So MINÄ is said M I N A?:)" <- you're right :D
Míša: Wow:) I can speak finnish:D:D:D You´ve learned it me!:))
Jenna: oh, great if you get it :D and i can speak czech! now i can travel to czech republic republic and walk everywhere and just say "vyhrál/a jsem?" :)) and they would look at me like crazy! awww
Míša: Yes, you can!:) You also know BLAHOPŘEJEME:D And I will say Minä rakastan sinua:))) It´s beautiful imagine:)))
But in fact - you are welcome, we will be your guides:D But only in Czech language:D:D:D And my boyfrien says, that you have to bring a lot of postcards:D:D:D
Jenna: yesss :D and thanks! so, don't be amazed if you will find me in front of your door, after 10 years :D i can take postcards and some buns with me! :)
Míša: You are welcome much more because of buns:D:D:D And if you can bake buns or cakes, you will have to stay forever:D:D:D
Jenna: haha :D thanks! i just bake a cake last weekend, and muffins about week ago... :D
Míša: Stop with it, I´m hungry:D:D:D I love muffins:) And school of data processing is here in the CR, too, so... I don´t see a problem :D:D:D
Jenna: oh, perfect :D it would be great to study data processing in czech!
Míša: Realy?:D
Jenna: jistě! já mluví česky velmi dobře :) a mám rád počítače! Učitelé by chtěl o mě, jestliže já Mluvím s nimi Finština
Míša: Tak jo, zítra Tě čekáme!:)))))
Small present for you;) http://www.acapela.tv/Winter-1-bd486318d75cc
Jenna: mi a buchty? :D
pokud já tam přišel na návštěvu, budete tuku :(
Míša: No TUKU, but TLUSTÝ :D Like Midow:D:D:D
And we have got fast metabolism :D:D:D
Jenna: oh yes, like midow :DD that's great!