"The people of this city do not hunt to eat, Arslan. They live longer than we do and it is a softer life, yes, but there are is no evil in that alone"
Arslan snorted, interrupting him without caring of the blaze of anger it provoked. It had been a long time since anyone broke in while Gengish was speaking, even in his closeest family.
"Until we come and kill their kings and shahs and knock their walls down", Arslan said. "Of all men, you have shown the weakness of cities and you would now embrace them? Perhaps you will build a statues to yourself like the ones by the walls. Then every man can look on the stone face and say, "That was Gengish." Is that it""
The khan had gone very still as Arslan spoke and the finger of his right hand drummed silently on the wooden bench. He sensed danger radiating off Gengish, but Arslan did not fear any man and refused to be cowed.
"All men die, Gengish. All. Think what it mean for a moment. None of us are remembered for more than one or two generations" He raised a hand as Gengish opened his mouth to speak again. "Oh, I know we chant the names of great khans by the fireside and the Chin have libraries running back for thousands of years. What of it? Do you think it matter to the dead that their names are read aloud? They don't care, Gengish. They are gone. The only thing that matters is what they did while they were alive."