
I has a petLauantai 25.10.2008 08:00

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 25.10.2008 07:09

If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people

Adolf Hitler European Tour 1939-1945Perjantai 24.10.2008 00:13

September 1939 - Ploland
May 1940 - Norway
May 1940 - Luxemburg
May 1940 - Belgium
May 1940 - Holland
June 1940 - France
September 194 - England (cancelled)
April 1941 - Yugoslavia
May 1941 - Greece
June 1941 - Creta
August 1942 - Russia (cancelled)
April 1945 - The Bunker, Berlin

konkistadoriPerjantai 24.10.2008 00:01

Your dick don't even function Perjantai 24.10.2008 00:00

My dick- grade-A beef
Your dick- Mayday geek
My dick- sick and dangerous
Your dick- quick and painless

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 20.10.2008 21:13

to the paradise city Where the grass is freen ---->

59 -.'-Maanantai 20.10.2008 21:11


huohMaanantai 20.10.2008 02:03

pssdSunnuntai 19.10.2008 23:56

muistan viellä vuonna viiskytkuusSunnuntai 19.10.2008 19:37