
[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 21.01.2009 22:33

When I raise my flashing sword, and my hand takes hold on judgment, I will take vengeance upon mine enemies, and I will repay those who haze me. Oh, Lord, raise me to Thy right hand and count me among Thy saints.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 18.01.2009 22:39

fak fakin fak fak fak. olen kusipää

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 18.01.2009 22:27

Again? Why the fuck?!?! Fuck! Ass!!!

fuck, ass!!Sunnuntai 18.01.2009 20:14

tahtoisin sytyttää kaiken palamaanKeskiviikko 14.01.2009 17:36

Kesäkuntoon 2025Keskiviikko 14.01.2009 17:24

matikan sijaine uhkas mua kymmenel punnerruksel jos en oo hiljaa :'(

Saint Patty's DayMaanantai 12.01.2009 18:56

haluun kissanMaanantai 12.01.2009 12:34

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 08.01.2009 21:44

And Shepards we shall be for Thee my Lord for Thee.
Power hath decended forth from Thy hand,
that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.
So we shall flow a river forth unto Thee,
and teeming with souls shall it ever be.
Et nomini Patri, et Filii, Spiritu Sancti.
Do not kill, do not rape, do not steal.
These are principles which every man of ever fate can embrace