


olen surullinen aina kun olen ilman sua

on kyllä kivat sanat :>Maanantai 23.11.2009 04:46

If I was a simple man,
Would we still walk hand in hand?
And if I suddenly went blind,
Would you still look in my eyes?
What happens when I grow old?
And all my stories have been told?
Will your heart still race for me?
Or will it march to a new beat?
If I was a simple man

If I was a simple man,
I'd own no home, I'd own no land
Would you still stand by my side?
And would our flame still burn so bright?

Sometimes I wonder why,
I'm so full of these endless rhymes
About the way I feel inside
I wish I could just get it right

If I was a simple man
And I could make you understand
There'd be no reason to think twice
You'd be my sun; you'd be my light
If I was a simple man...
If I was a simple man...

Sometimes I wonder why
I'm so full of these endless rhymes
About the way I feel inside
I wish...

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