


Mitäs sitte leikittäis?

Movetron - otanko askeleenMaanantai 24.11.2008 20:32

Välimatka tulvien on lyhyempi jälkeen sen
miten sä katsoit mua ja miten tartuit käteen surujen.
Elettyä elämää hyvää ja myös ikävää
minäkin saanut oon, vaan sielu tahtoo jotain täydempää.

Otanko askeleen vai palaanko entiseen?
Edessä hauras jää, sen hymys lämpö heikentää.
Otanko askeleen, hukunko lupaukseen?
Takana maisema sateen ja roudan murjomaa.
Otanko askeleen?

Paleletko sinäkin? Haluatko vieläkin
sylissäin viettää hetken ennen kuin sun mentävä taas on?

Nämä onnen sirpaleet, kädestäsi tippuneet,
valoa tuonut on mun sydämeni mustaan huoneeseen.

Eikä sitte saa kertoa kellekään että Heta on kuunnellu Movetronia :<<

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 22.11.2008 20:25

Koita nyt nainen tasottua vihdoinki :D

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 21.11.2008 17:07

Henkilökohtaisesti oot Kristus itsellesi,
muut saavat armahdustasi odottaa,
ja sinä, Henkilökohtaisesti,
ainoa sanelija,
pääroolissa niin monen muun elämän.

PMMP - Henkilökohtaisesti
Foreigner - That Was Yesterday

I thought I knew you well
But all this time I could never tell
I let you get away
Haunts me every night and every day

You were the only one
The only friend that I counted on
How could I watch you walk away
Id give anything to have you here today

But now I stand alone with my pride
And dream that youre still by my side

But that was yesterday
I had the world in my hands
But its not the end of my world
Just a slight change of plans

That was yesterday
But today life goes on
No more hiding in yesterday
cause yesterdays gone

Love, my love I gave it all
Thought I saw the light
When I heard you call
Life that we both could share
Has deserted me
Left me in despair

But now I stand alone with my pride
Fighting back the tears I never let myself cry

But that was yesterday
Love was torn from my hands
But its not the end of my world
Just a little hard to understand

That was yesterday
But today life goes on
You wont find me in yesterdays world
Now yesterdays gone

Goodbye yesterday
Now its over and done
Still I hope somewhere deep in your heart
Yesterday will live on

______Ryhdistäydy, nainen______

Jotain uutta ja ihanaa tarjolla, ota se, tartu kiinni! Uusi ON ihanaa, valtavan suloista, pehmeää, makeaa. Keskity siihen. Odota sitä.

Rauhotuin joKeskiviikko 19.11.2008 01:36

In misery mornings like this
I just would like to stay in bed
In misery mornings like this
I have nothing to give or get
Just a will to turn and walk away
It seems the vanity is here to stay
Today I feel I'm diging my own grave
But it can't stop you...

'Cause you, never stop fighting for me
Never stop loving, it's real
You never give up on me
You open my eyes to see...
You never stop fighting for me
Never stop fighting

And When I look back to my past
I see there's nothing much that lasts
I feel I'm constantly waiting
Always hesitationg
Saying: "There will be another day"
Dreaming 'bout the place to run away
Inside of me I'm struggling
But it can't stop you...

'Cause you, never stop fighting for me
Never stop loving, it's real
You never give up on me
You open my eyes to see...
You never stop fighting for me
Never stop fighting

In misery mornings like this
I just would like to stay in bed
In misery mornings like this
I have nothing to give or get

In misery mornings like this...

A sigh of despairMaanantai 17.11.2008 18:31

In what could I trust anymore? Who could create anything new?
My world is totally shaking. Every morning I wake up crying, gatherin the pieces of my heart.
Is this life worth tryin´? Wondering the world and it´s art.

Now that I´ve gone so far I´m desperate, I´m torn.

Can´t find a place where peace is hidden. Rest and silence; totally forbidden.

älä muistutaMaanantai 17.11.2008 18:24

All the time I find I'm living in that evening with that feeling of sticky love inside

Nam nam, ihanaa lihamureketta, mummo teki.Maanantai 10.11.2008 22:16

Kate Bush - It Hurts Me