The nine types of problem drinkers identified by the British Department of Health are the following. Which one are you?
1.Bored drinkers - people in this category do not drink for physiological effect, but to pass the time and relieve monotony;
2.Hedonistic drinkers - those drinkers who crave stimulation and want to abandon control. They are proud of their drinking behavior and openly encouraging others to drink;
3.Macho drinkers - drinkers who spend most of their spare time in pub. They develop longstanding relationship with alcohol, believing themselves to be in control of their drinking;
4.De-stress drinkers- drinkers who use alcohol to calm down and control emotions and situations;
5.Conformist drinkers - people in this category use alcohol to enhance their personality to reveal their true self;
6.Depressed drinkers - people of any age, gender or socioeconomic group fall in this category. They crave the comfort and security of alcohol and often consume it alone;
7.Re-bonding drinkers - those drinkers who drink to stay in touch with people who are close to them;
8.Community drinkers these usually are lower middle class men and women who are motivated by the need to belong and drink in large friendship groups; and,
9.Border dependents these drinkers regard pub as a home away from home, visiting it during the day and the evening, on weekdays and at weekends, drinking fast and often.
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