


- no pain inside, you're like perfection

Smokin the killaMaanantai 03.11.2008 14:10

Kinda new version. There wasn't the czech part before. But I'm glad, that "Legalizing marihuana!" stayed. xD

100°C liveSunnuntai 02.11.2008 14:41

This is how a gig should look like! That you can actually hear the singer, not only drums and guitars and from time to time some voice, but you can't understand what the hell is it singing. :P

And yea, Joshua taking off his jacket is so funny. And Fíďa looks like he doesn't have enough space behind his drum set. :D And the very end is so great! "Děkujeme. Udělejte nějakej bordeeeel!" = "Thanks. Make some meeeess!" xD

TranslationsLauantai 01.11.2008 00:58

As I was bored, I translated those two song..

#1 Marek Ztracený - Vanishing

Sometimes itÂ’s only hope that remains to people,
thatÂ’s fading away when you look at the world.
And beloved people are disappearing in black holes
and someone hopes that theyÂ’ll meet on the way back.
And the others are just looking on
sad eyes, that are looking out for somebody.

And some things are not in humans‘ power,
IÂ’ll proudly sacrifice your silence.
Even when IÂ’m alone, IÂ’m with you day and night,
and silently hope for deliverance.
And when the others are just looking on and youÂ’re sleeping,
timeÂ’s running on, I hope you know.

R: You are vanishing from my memory,
and since time immemorial people are meeting again.
And I hope, that weÂ’ll catch those few sentences,
that weÂ’ll find the way back, IÂ’m missing your eyes, yea.

And sometimes we all are living just with hope,
thatÂ’s when life is leaking away.
We are like hollow trees under the weight of life,
we all suspect where our ways are leading.
And when the others are just looking on and youÂ’re sleeping,
timeÂ’s running on, I hope you know, yeeeea.


Sure I know, IÂ’m the one that errs,
and vainly hopes.
Sure I know, IÂ’m the one that errs,
and raises to the bottom, raises to the bottom.

IÂ’m raising up from the bottom,
swimming up the water
silently shouting my feeling,
that you are all and nothing for me.
IÂ’m raising up from the bottom,
leaving your waters.
IÂ’m breaking your levees, raising,
hoping for better life, yeeea.


Sure I know, IÂ’m the one that errs,
and vainly hopes.
Sure I know, IÂ’m the one that errs,
and raises to the bottom and raises to the bottom.

#2 Mc Erik a Barbara - Dream

Dream use to have strange form,
when you wanna enjoy it bellyful.
The one, whoÂ’s always hiding,
is coming and now is not asking about anything,
looking at you.

I know, love has a lot of forms,
doesnÂ’t want to show itself wounded.
But my dream meant a lot,
sorrow and hope were walking without name,
I felt the world has gonne mad.

R: He was standing there and maybe wanted to be my dream,
standing with daring gaze
and maybe the stars were falling, when my eyes were crying,
maybe he loved me a lot, just didnÂ’t want to show me,
he was afraid to give me his heart, he wanted to hide it away from the world.

Love has a lot of forms, doesnÂ’t want to show itself wounded.
But my dream meant a lot,
sorrow and hope were walking without name,
I felt the world has gonne mad.

R: He was standing there and maybe wanted to be my dream,
standing with daring gaze
and maybe the stars were falling, when my eyes were crying,
maybe he loved me a lot, just didnÂ’t want to show me,
he was afraid to give me his heart.

R: He was standing thereÂ…

Two songs..Perjantai 31.10.2008 03:54

As I was washing the dishes today at work, there were those two song playing on the radio. They made me so melancholical, that I've decided to translate them eventually..

#1 Marek Ztracený - Ztrácíš

Někdy lidem zbyde jenom víra,
co se ztrácí při pohledu na svět.
A milovaný lidi mizej v černých dírách
a někdo doufá, že se potkaj cestou nazpět.
A když ostatní jenom přihlížej
na smutný oči, který vyhlížej

A některý věci nejsou v lidský moci,
hrdě obětuju tvoje mlčení.
I když jsem sám, jsem s tebou ve dne v noci
a tiše doufám ve vysvobození.
A když ostatní jenom přihlížej a ty spíš,
čas pluje dál, doufám, že víš.

R: Ztrácíš se z mojí paměti
a lidi od nepaměti se znovu scházej, jéé
A doufám, že stihnem těch pár vět,
že najdem cestu zpět, tvý oči mi scházej, jejé

A někdy všichni žijem jenom vírou,
to když nám život mizí mezi prsty.
Jsme jako dutý stromy pod života tíhou,
všichni tušíme kam míří naše cesty
A když ostatní jenom přihlížej a ty spíš,
čas pluje dál, doufám, že víš, jéé


Já přece vím, že jsem ten, co chybuje,
a marně doufá
Já přece vím, že jsem ten, co chybuje,
a ke dnu stoupá, ke dnu stoupá

Stoupám ze dna vzhůru,
vzhůru vodou pluju
svůj pocit tiše křičím,
že jsi pro mě vším i ničím
Stoupám ze dna vzhůru,
opouštím tvoje vody
Bortím tvý hráze, stoupám,
v lepší život doufám, jéé


Já přece vím, že jsem ten, co chybuje,
a marně doufá
Já přece vím, že jsem ten, co chybuje,
a ke dnu stoupá, a ke dnu stoupá

#2 Mc Eric a Barbara - Sen (btw. waaaay too old song)

Sen zvláštnu podobu máva,
keď ho chceš vychutnať do syta.
Ten, čo sa vždy len schováva,
prichádza a teraz už na nič sa nepýta,
na teba hladí.

Viem, láska má veľa podôb,
nechce sa ukázať zranená.
Môj sen však znamenal mnoho,
smútok a nádej si chodili bez mena,
zdalo sa mi, že sa svet zbláznil.

R: Stál tam on a možno chcel byť mojim snom,
stál so smelým pohľadom
a možno hviezdy padali, keď moje oči plakali,
možno mal ma veľmi rád, len mi to nechcel dokázať,
bál sa mi svoje srdce dať, chcel ho pred svetom ukrývať.

Láska má veľa podôb, nechce sa ukázať zranená.
Môj sen však znamenal mnoho,
smutok a nádej si chodili bez mena,
zdalo sa mi, že sa svet zbláznil.

R: Stál tam on a možno chcel byť mojim snom,
stál so smelým pohľadom
a možno hviezdy padali, keď moje oči plakali,
možno mal ma veľmi rád, ľen mi to nechcel dokázať,
bál sa mi svoje srdce dať.

R: Stál tam on ...

Who I AmTorstai 30.10.2008 02:05

Finnaly found the video somewhere.. I mean new 100°C video. And well.. It's different. But I like it. xD Ok ok, I like Joshua there. :P But that's only because he is one of those few guys, that look f*cking good with make up! Really. As I would forbid some particular people using eye liner, Joshua SHOULD use it! x)

Anyway, here it is:

Enjoy. ;-)

Keeps Getting BetterKeskiviikko 29.10.2008 02:53

It took some time, but finnaly it's here! New Christina's video. :-)

Step back gonna come at ya fast
I'm driving out of control
And getting ready to crash
Won't stop shaking up what I can
I serve it up in a shot
So suck it down like a man
So baby yes I know what I am
And no I don't give a damn
And you'll be loving it

Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won't last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world
And it keeps gettin' better

Kiss kiss gonna tell you right now
I'll make it sweet on the lips as it can knock you out
Shut up I don't care what you say
Cuz when we both in the ring you're gonna like it my way
Yeah baby there's a villain in me so sexy sour and sweet
And you'll be loving it

Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won't last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world
And it keeps gettin' better

Hold on
Keeps gettin' better
Hold on
Keeps gettin' better

In the blink of an eye
In the speed of the light
I'll hold the universe up
And make your planets collide
When I strap on my boots
And I slip on my suit
You see the vixen in me
Becomes an angel for you

Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won't last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world
And it keeps gettin' better

Some days I'm a super bitch
Up to my old tricks
But it won't last forever
Next day I'm your super girl
Out to save the world
And it keeps gettin' better

Hold on
Keeps gettin' better
Hold on
Keeps gettin' better


Did I mention how much I love this song? xD

Life burnsKeskiviikko 29.10.2008 00:27

I don't like much songs where's Lauri Ylönen singing. But this is one of those few I really like!

We break our enemies with fear, and
we've seen how the tears come around
We've built our confidence on wasteland
We've seen how the walls come down

Life burns

A man dies like a butterfly
Life burns from the touch of the reaper
All things must pass
One love is a crooked lie
The world lies in the hands of evil
We pray it would last

Life burns

We have no sympathy for the lost souls
we've chosen the path of disgrace
We give this life to our children
and teach them to hate this place

A man dies like a butterfly
Life burns from the touch of the reaper
All things must pass
One love is a crooked lie
The world lies in the hands of evil
We pray it would last

A man dies like a butterfly
Life burns from the touch of the reaper
One love is a crooked lie
(The world lies in the hands of evil 5 x)

A man dies like a butterfly
Life burns from the touch of the reaper
All things must pass
One love is a crooked lie
The world lies in the hands of evil
We pray it would last

Life burns (3 x)

Chiki liki tu-aMaanantai 27.10.2008 23:55

One of my friends just reminded me of this band.. They are georgeous! (pssssht, don't take them too seriously ;-) )
I love them for what they've done on Slovak national music awards ->

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 22.10.2008 04:05

I was browsing through some old Bloodpit videos nad found this:
*aww* Isn't he cute? x)

NostalgiaKeskiviikko 22.10.2008 02:26

I've found a picture of you and me
From 1989 when we
Shared the world together
Happy as teens could be

Life's a whirlwind and time's a whore
I pick up our past up of the floor
I write these lines just in case
I don't see you no more

Maybe you're married, you've got it made
Maybe you're famous, I just get payed
Maybe you show up at our show
But maybe I will never know

No, I will never know
'Cause you're somewhere where I can't go
A million miles away
Or right here next to me
I've tried so many times
To find a home that once was mine
A million miles away
Or right here next to me

Just one sign is all I want
To move on where we started from
I tried as hard as I could try
Not even sure you're still alive

What's with all that we once share
Please forgive me but I care
I scream as loud as I can scream
But you don't hear me


I survived our separation
But I can't wait for all time
All I need is a little information
So I can leave that behind

No, I will never know
'Cause you're somewhere where I can't go
A million miles away
Or right here next to me

No, I will never know
'Cause you're somewhere where I can't go
A million miles away
Or right here next to me
I've tried so many times
Nostalgia To find a home that once was mine
A million miles away
Or right here next to me

No, I will never know
Cause you're somewhere where I can't go
A million miles away
Or right here next to me
I've tried so many times
To find a home that once was mine
A million miles away
Or right here next to me